CRI ADX  Last Updated: 2024-07-17 10:47 p
Preview (listen to the sound)

This article explains how to preview (listen to the sound) on CRI Atom Craft.

The basic preview method is to preview a single Cue.

Other methods include previewing on an application that incorporates CRI ADX , or previewing on a development environment on the same network.

Here's how to preview on CRI Atom Craft.

Operation Description
Menu "Preview"-"Play" or F5 key Plays the selected playable object. Even if a sound is already playing, it will play over the existing sound without stopping it.
SPACE key Plays the selected object that can be played. Any waveforms that are already playing will stop.
Menu "Preview"-"Stop" or
F6 key or ESC key
Stops all waveforms being played.
SHIFT + F6 Stops only the selected object
F7 Stops only the selected Cue.

To preview playback, you need to build a Cue sheet.
Therefore, the Cue sheet will be automatically built as needed during playback.