CRIWARE Unity Plugin Manual  Last Updated: 2024-07-12
[CriAtom] Advanced samples

Sample information

Middleware CRI ADX (CRI Atom)
Sample name Advanced samples
Sample description Demo of CRI ADX's advanced features
Location /CRIWARE/SDK/unity/samples/UnityProject/Assets/Scenes/criatom/advanced/


The advanced samples are a collection of samples that demonstrate CRI ADX's advanced features.
The following four scenes are provided.

Scene number Sample Scene file
01 [CriAtom] Background loading Scene_01_BackgroundLoadData.unity
02 [CriAtom] Switching scenes without interrupting the BGM Scene_02_OverScenePlayback.unity
03 [CriAtom] Coexistence with sounds from other applciations Scene_03_PlaybackWithOtherAudio.unity
04 [CriAtom] Playing installed sound data Scene_04_PlaybackWithInstall.unity
05 [CriAtom] Estimating the latency of sound playback on Android device Scene_05_EstimateSoundLatency.unity
06 [CriAtom] Audio playback using Timeline expansion Scene_06_TimelineExtension.unity
06 [CriAtom] Transceiver Scene_07_Transceiver.unity

Sample data

The data used in this sample was created from the "demoProj.atmcproj" project file in CRI Atom Craft.
The details of this project file and how it is provided are described separately.