CRIWARE Unity Plugin Manual  Last Updated: 2024-07-12
[CriAtom] Using the LipSync plugin

Sample description


This is a sample using ADX LipSync.


Operating instructions

  • [<][>] Button

    • Switches the Cue to be played.

  • [Play] Button
    • Plays the displayed Cue.

  • [Stop] Button
    • Stops playing audio.

Scene information

Middleware CRI ADX LipSync(CRI Lips), CRI ADX (CRI Atom)
Sample Expansion sample
Location /CRIWARE/SDK/unity/samples/UnityProject/Assets/Scenes/criatom/expansion/
Scene file Scene_01_LipSync_SimplePreview.unity
ACF file /CRIWARE/SDK/unity/samples/UnityProject/Assets/StreamingAssets/ADXLipSync/ForADXLipSyncSample.acf
ACB file /CRIWARE/SDK/unity/samples/UnityProject/Assets/StreamingAssets/ADXLipSync/ForADXLipSyncSample.acb

Description of the program

Performs real-time lip-sync using the CriLipsDeformerForAtomSource component.
Select the CriWare.CriLipsMorphBlendShapeJapaneseVowel class in the CriWare.CriLipsDeformerForAtomSource::LipsMorph function,
morphing is performed by targeting the blend shape of the 5 Japanese vowels (A, I, U, E, O) of the sample character model.
For details about how to use the components used in this sample, refer to:

Morph Target

The sample character has the following two mouth-shaped morph targets that match the type of output from ADX LipSync.
  • Vertical opening, side opening, side closing, top and bottom of tongue
  • 5 Japanese vowels
Check the Unity Editor for the specific shapes.