CRIWARE Unity Plugin Manual
Last Updated: 2024-07-12
Regarding migration to SDK Ver.2.60
Major changes in version upgrade
CRIWARE SDK for Unity Ver.2.60 has the following major changes compared to Ver.2.5x.
If you are using SDK Ver.2.50 or earlier, please also refer to Regarding migration to SDK Ver.2.50.
In-game preview support for iOS/Android
In-game preview is now supported on both iOS and Android devices.
When in-game preview is enabled, you can adjust the audio of the application from CRI Atom Craft via WiFi connection.
See In-game preview for details.
Change the Unity guaranteed operation environment
Changed the guaranteed operation environment for Unity from 3.5 or higher to 4.0 or higher.
We also modified the sample project included in the SDK to be compatible with Unity 4.3.
If you are using an old environment and would like to use the latest plug-in, please contact us individually.
Change of Windows/Mac operation guarantee environment
Both Windows and Mac OSX models are now 64-bit compatible.
This version supports 64-bit version of Unity Editor and 64-bit version of standalone output.
Change the plugin file structure
Changed the folder structure of some plugin files. For details, please refer to About changing the plug-in file structure below. You will need to manually delete some folders before importing the plugin.
Renewal of "CRI Atom Tool" User's Manual
The contents of the CRI Atom tool manual have been updated to suit the latest CRI Atom tools, and the structure itself has been significantly reviewed.
About changing the plugin file structure
The file structure of the plugin has been partially changed.
If you import a new plugin package into an environment containing a previous plugin package, unnecessary files may remain in the Unity project, which may cause trouble. Before importing Ver.2.60 unitypackage, be sure to delete the following files.
If you are managing plugin files with a source control tool, please reflect the changes below.