CRIWARE Unity Plugin Manual  Last Updated: 2024-07-12
Creating data
Use the CRI Sofdec data creation tool, "Sofdec2 Encoding Wizard" to create movie data.
Sofdec2 Encoding Wizard is a wizard-type encoding tool.
You can create movie data easily without no expertise or prior experience.
The following guides you through the steps of using the tool.

(1) Specifying encoding parameters

Start "Sofdec2 Encoding Wizard". Then follow the wizard instructions to configure the encoding parameters.

(1-1) Starting Sofdec2 Encoding Wizard
Start the Sofdec2 Encoding Wizard (File name: Sofdec2EncWiz.exe). The following window appears.


(1-2) Specifying the platform
First, select the platform on which you want to play a movie.
If no appropriate platform is available, select Standard and perform encoding normally.


Optimal encoding parameters are automatically applied for each platform.

(1-3) Specifying an input video file
  • Specifying video material
    Specify the video material. For sequential numbered still image, specify the first image file.

  • Specifying video codec
    Specify the video codec.
    When Standard was selected for the platform, H.264 cannot be specified for the video codec.
    The H.264 support for encoding and playback at runtime has been added from SDK Ver.2.70 only on iOS/Android. (It is not supported for other platforms)
    For codec-specific functions, please see Video codecs supported by Sofdec .


You can specify an AVI file or a group of sequentially-numbered image files.
In this tutorial, we will specify an AVI file including sound tracks for the input file.

(1-4) Specifying an input sound file
Select the Use sound tracks in a video check box, and go to the next page.


For the audio codec, you can select the low-load ADX codec or the high-compression HCA codec.
For details, please see Video codecs supported by Sofdec .
(1-5) Specifying an input subtitle file
Go to the next page without specifying a subtitle file.


(1-6) Configuring the image quality
On this page, you can specify the image quality and the compression ratio to use for the encoding of the movie.
Select Automatic and do not change the Standard setting.


(*1) The Automatic setting provides standard encoding parameters as templates.
Simply select a template. You can then use optimal compression parameters for encoding.

(*2) If the HCA codec was selected when the input audio file was specified,
you will be able to change the sound quality and compression ratio of the HCA encoding here.

Selecting the sound quality/compression ratio for HCA encoding
Highest quality HIGHEST
High quality (default) HIGH
Medium quality MIDDLE
Low quality (high compression) LOW
Lowest quality (highest compression) LOWEST
For example, you can select LOWEST (highest compression) for a long movie with sound
to minimize the file size.

(1-7) Specifying the output destination
Specify the output destination of the encoded file.


(1-8) Confirming the settings
On this page, you can confirm the specified encoding parameters.
To confirm them, click on the Next button to move to the next page.
You can also click on the Back button to return to the previous page, where you can specify the encoding parameters again.


(2) Encoding

(2-1) Encoding
Click on the Start
button. Then encoding starts with the specified parameters.

During the encoding, the progress is displayed.
If the "Completed" message appears in the Log window, the encoding has completed successfully.


(2-2) Preview
You can use Sofdec2 Viewer to preview the encoded file.
On the Encode page,
click the Preview button to play the movie.
