Global Project Settings

When you double-click a project in the project tree, the project information is displayed in the Inspector.
A project file contains the information below.


Project Settings


Name Value Range Description
Name Indicates the project name (not editable).


Name Value Range Description
Comment You can enter any comment here.

3D sound

Name Value Range Description
Software binauralizer type Not used / CRI Binauralizer / Sound xR The type of software binauralizer to use.
HRTF type PCN / TC4 / TC4A The type of HRTF that can be used when Software Binauralizer is Sound xR.
Platform support function for OBA and Ambisonics True / False If set to True, Ambisonics or OBA playback will be used if the platform supports it.
However, binauralization using ADX will be applied with priority.
If binauralization using ADX is enabled, the platform function will be automatically disabled to avoid duplication of effects.
When using platform support function, the sound effects change depending on the platform, so if you want the sound to sound the same on multiple platforms, set to False.

For more information about setting up spatialized audio, see 3D Audio Effects .


Name Value Range Description
Update Warning when Opening File True/False Specifies whether to display a warning or not, when opening a project or a work unit file in an older file format.
ACF file name If empty, the project name is used for the ACF name. This property can be used if you want an ACF file name different from the project name.
Reference type for external Cue Link Cue ID / Cue name Selects whether an external CueLink is referenced by ID or by name. This setting is also applied to the method used to reference the game variables.
Range of Cue ID duplication check Entire project/for each CueSheet Specifies the range of Cue IDs that will be checked for duplication.
Build includes muted track True / False Specifies whether to include the muted tracks in the binary data. Set to True to include them.
Apply Category Cue Limit to Link-Cue True / False True: Applies the Category Cue limit of the Category set in the referenced Cue to the Cue link.
False: Does not apply the Category Cue limit of the Category set in the referenced Cue to the Cue link.
Apply Cue Sheet Cue limits to Cue links True / False True: Applies the Cue limit of the Cue Sheet the Cue link belongs to.
False: Does not apply the Cue limit of the Cue Sheet the Cue link belongs to. (Default)
Channel configuration (mono) Fixed to mono Sets the channel configuration for a waveform file with a Number of channels of "1".
Channel configuration (stereo) Fixed to stereo Sets the channel configuration for a waveform file with two channels.
Channel configuration (3ch) 3ch (L, R, C) / 3ch (L, R, Cs) Sets the Number of channels configuration for a waveform file with 3 channels.
Channel configuration (4ch) 4ch (L, R, Ls, Rs) /
Ambisonics 1st(FuMa maxN) /
Ambisonics 1st(ACN SN3D)
Sets the Number of channels configuration for a waveform file with 4 channels.
Channel configuration (5ch) 5ch / 4.1ch Sets the channel configuration for a waveform file with 5 channels.
Channel configuration (6ch) Fixed to 5.1ch Sets the channel configuration for the waveform file with 6 channels.
Channel configuration (7ch) Fixed at 6.1ch Sets the channel configuration for the waveform file with 7 channels.
Channel configuration (8ch) 7.1ch (L, R, C, LFE, Ls, Rs, Lb, Rb) /
5.1.2ch /
7.1ch (L, R, C, LFE, Lb, Rb, Ls, Rs)
Sets the Number of channels configuration for a waveform file with 8 channels.
Channel configuration (9ch) None /
Ambisonics 2nd(FuMa maxN) /
Ambisonics 2nd(ACN SN3D)
Sets the channel configuration for a waveform file with 9 channels.
Channel configuration (10ch) None /
7.1.2ch (L, R, C, LFE, Ls, Rs, Lb, Rb, Lt, Rt) /
7.1.2ch (L, R, C, LFE, Lb, Rb, Ls, Rs, Lt, Rt)
Sets the channel configuration for a waveform file with 10 Number of channels.
Channel configuration (12ch) None /
7.1.4ch (L, R, C, LFE, Ls, Rs, Lb, Rb, Ltf, Rtf, Ltb, Rtb) /
7.1.4ch (L, R, C, LFE, Lb, Rb, Ls, Rs, Ltf, Rtf, Ltb, Rtb)
Sets the Number of channels configuration for a waveform file with 12 channels.
Channel configuration (16ch) None /
Ambisonics 3nd(FuMa maxN) /
Ambisonics 3nd(ACN SN3D)
Sets the Number of channels configuration for a waveform file with 16 channels.


Name Value Range Description
Loop Interpretation All markers/only loop markers/ignore all markers Specifies how to interpret the loops included in the material waveform files.

Character Code

Name Value Range Description
Character Code Type UTF8 / Shift_JIS Specifies the encoding used to write characters into the binary data.
Use BOM True / False Specifies whether to embed BOM into header files when the character code type is UTF8.


Name Value Range Description
Project file path Shows the path to the project file (full path). (not editable)
Path Shows the path of the object in the tool (not editable).