Known issues

The known issues with the ADX tool are:
These issues will be fixed in due course.

issues with CRI Atom Craft

Display related

  • When in-game or using a target other than PC, parameter updates via GUI operations of the custom effect plug-in are not applied. (Occurs from Ver.3.34.00)
  • On Windows, VST plug-ins may not work properly when using three or more monitors.
    • We have confirmed that this issue occurs when all of the following conditions are met:
      • 1. Monitor 1 | Resolution 2560x1440 | Magnification 150% |
      • 2. Monitor 2 | Resolution 3840x2160 | Magnification 150% |
      • 3. Monitor 3 | Resolution 1920x1080 | Magnification 100% | Set as main display
      • 4. From left to right, the monitors are arranged as Monitor 1, Monitor 3, and Monitor 2.
    • If this issue occurs, you can avoid it by changing either the resolution, magnification, or display order of the monitors.
  • On Windows, when moving a VST plug-in to a monitor with a different zoom ratio, the display temporarily becomes distorted.
    • Once you have moved it so that it fits within the monitor, the display will be restored.

Data related

  • Projects do not match exactly between the Windows version of CRI Atom Craft Ver.2.xx and CRI Atom Craft Ver.3.
  • Projects older than Ver.2.27.01 cannot be opened directly. Please see About CRI Atom Craft Project Updater .
  • 6 channel material cannot be ADX encoded.
  • ADX encoded waveform files may play back with unintended sounds. (Occurs from Ver.3.50.00)
    • If this issue occurs, please follow the steps below:
      • If you previewed, click "Preview" > "Reset Previewer" from the menu.
      • Right-click the Cue sheet that contains the problematic Cue and click "Clear Cache Files".
      • Open the folder containing the project file on the OS and delete the "(Project name)_Cache" folder
    • After following these steps, try previewing again.
    • If this occurs repeatedly, please contact us.

Operation related

  • After previewing with CRI Atom Craft, the viewer freezes when connecting to CRI Atom Viewer in-game.
    See the "Notes" in In-game Preview with CRI Atom Viewer for a workaround.
  • movie don't play properly. See Video sync playback for more information.
  • On the Mac version, the "Quit CriAtomCraft Cmd+Q" command is sometimes disabled. As a workaround, you can quit the game by clicking the close button on the window.
  • In the Windows version, the original sound of materials whose file paths contain double-byte characters cannot be played.
  • On the Windows version, when previewing while another application is monopolizing the audio driver (using WASAPI exclusive execution or ALSA, etc.), errors related to ISpatialAudioClient keep occurring.
    • There is no way to check whether another application is performing exclusive output, and it is not possible to determine that this is the reason why output resources could not be secured, so the application continues to retry securing output resources.
    • Since it is not possible to suppress error output in the library, do not preview while exclusive output is being used by other apps.
  • When running the Win version of the robot locally, if the path to CriAtomCraft.exe or the script contains full-width characters such as Japanese, the script cannot be executed.
  • Bug in Version Control Support using Subversion, connection error or unresponsive when making a "https:// protocol" connection.