CRI ADX  Last Updated: 2024-07-17 10:47 p
Profiler module

The profiler module manages the profiler manipulation API.

Module Name


The following functions are defined:

Function Description Operation Object
start_profiler_logging Starts profiler logging. -
stop_profiler_logging Stops profiler logging. -
export_alllog_to_csv Outputs the acquired logs in csv format. -


Starts profiler logging.
You can specify the type of log to be acquired using logMode.
To obtain the log, it is necessary that "the project is loaded" and "the in-game connection is complete."
To load the project on the robot, use open_project ,
If you want to connect in-game, please refer to start_ingame_preview .


Name Value
PROFILER_LOG_MODE_PLAYBACK Get information about playback and pausing.
PROFILER_LOG_MODE_ERROR Get information about errors.
PROFILER_LOG_MODE_LOW_LEVEL_PLAYBACK Gets lower level play/pause information.
PROFILER_LOG_MODE_SYSTEM_INFO Gets information about initialization and termination.
PROFILER_LOG_MODE_HANDLE_INFO Gets information about registration and destruction of players, ACBs, etc.
PROFILER_LOG_MODE_CUE_LIMIT Gets information when the Cue limit is activated.
PROFILER_LOG_MODE_PROBABILITY Gets information when a limit based on random or other probability is activated.
PROFILER_LOG_MODE_CATEGORY Get information about categories.
PROFILER_LOG_MODE_EXECUTING_INFORMATION Gets information on processing load, number of voices, etc.
PROFILER_LOG_MODE_3D_INFO Get information about 3D (significantly increases logging volume)
PROFILER_LOG_MODE_USER_LOG Gets any information output as user log.
PROFILER_LOG_MODE_VOICE_VOLUME Get voice volume information (significantly increases logging volume)
PROFILER_LOG_MODE_ALL Get all the above information.


result = start_profiler_logging(logMode)

Input parameters

Name Value
logMode Specifies the type of log to be acquired. If not specified, PROFILER_LOG_MODE_ALL will be specified.

Return value

Name Value
result [ "succeed" ] True if successful, False if unsuccessful


Stops logging.


result = stop_profiler_logging()

Input parameters


Return value

Name Value
result [ "succeed" ] True if successful, False if unsuccessful


The recorded log is output in CSV format.
The csv file will be output to the same location as the log.
The csv file will contain the same contents as the TextLog Viewer of the Profiler application.


result = export_alllog_to_csv()

Input parameters


Return value

Name Value
result [ "succeed" ] True if successful, False if unsuccessful