CRI ADX  Last Updated: 2024-07-17 10:48 p
Parameters of the ASR bus effect


 Parameters of the amplitude analyzer
 The definition of the parameter set by the amplitude analyzer.
 Parameters of the biquad filter / band pass filter
 It is the definition of the parameter set by the biquad filter / bandpass filter.
 Chorus / Flanger parameters
 Definition of parameters to be set in the chorus / flanger.
 Compressor / limiter parameters
 It is the definition of the parameter to set with the compressor / limiter.
 Delay / Echo / Multitap Delay Parameters
 Delay / Echo / Definition of parameters to be set with multi tap delay.
 Distortion parameters
 Definition of parameters to be set in distortion.
 I3DL2 reverb parameters
 Definition of parameters to be set with I3DL2 reverb.
 Matrix parameters
 The definition of the parameter to be set in the matrix.
 3 band equalizer / 32 band equalizer parameters
 The definition of parameters to be set with 3 band equalizer and 32 band equalizer.
 Pitch shifter parameters
 The definition of the parameter to be set with the pitch shifter.
 Reverb parameters
 The definition of parameters to be set with reverb.
 Parameters of the surrounding party
 The definition of the parameter to be set with the surrounding party.
 Parameter of the Bit Crusher
 Definition of parameters to be set with bit crusher.
 Parameters of the Phasor
 Definition of parameters to be set by the phaser.
 Headphone Virtual Surround parameters
 This defines the parameters to be set for headphone virtual surround.
 IR Reverb parameters
 This defines the parameters to be set for IR reverb.
 I3DL2 Reverb Ver.2 parameters
 This defines the parameters to be set in I3DL2 Reverb Ver.2.


It is a definition concerning the parameters of the CRIWARE in-house manufactured effect used on the ASR bus.
The definition of an index and a definition of a setting value of a specific parameter to be specified to criAtomExAsrRack_SetEffectParameter or criAtomExAsrRack_SetEffectParameter .
criAtomExAsrRack_SetEffectParameter, criAtomExAsrRack_GetEffectParameter