CRIWARE Unity Plugin Manual  Last Updated: 2024-07-12
Cri Atom Source
Cri Atom Source is a component that works as a sound source for ADX.

Cri Atom Source Inspector

In the Cri Atom Source Inspector, you can set various parameters and preview playback.
Cri Atom Source's parameter
Cri Atom Source's parameter
Parameter Description
Cue Sheet A Cue Sheet with data for the Cue to be played.
Please use the name of Cue Sheet set in the CRI Atom component.
If not specified, a Cue that matches the Cue Name will be searched for and played from all of the loaded Cue Sheets.
Cue Name The name of the Cue to be played.
CriAtom Object Object which holds the Cri Atom component.
It is set automatically when the Cri Atom Source is created.
Play On Start If enabled, playback will be triggered in the Start() method.
Volume The volume of the Cue to play.
The value represents magnification of the amplitude data. 1.0 for original volume.
Pitch The pitch of the Cue to play.
The unit is cent. The pitch changes by 1 octave for 1200 cents.
Loop When enabled, playback will return to the beginning when the end of the Cue is reached.
3D Positioning When enabled, 3D positioning playback of the Cue is possible.
- Freeze Orientation When enabled, the orientation of the sound source will not follow changes in the orientation of the GameObject.
- Region On Start 3D Region of Cri Atom Source.
You can specify a CRI Atom Region that represents the 3D region.
For details, please refer to " Spatial acoustic connection function "3D Transceiver" ".
- Listener On Start Listener corresponding to Cri Atom Source.
If a listener is specified, the audio will reach only the corresponding listener.
If no listener is specified, the audio will reach all listeners.
- 3D Randomization Enables the function to randomly set the playback position of the 3D sound source.
For details, please refer to " Randomization of 3D sound source playback position ".
– Follow origin Sets whether to follow the position and orientation of the CriAtomSource object after the playback starts at a random position.
– Type Selects the shape of the random position range (the method used to generate random coordinates).
– Parameters of the random position range Parameters that determine the size of the random position range.
The parameters change depending on which calculation type has been chosen.
Parameters for Android
  • [Low Latency Playback] Checkbox
  • You can try using SonicSYNC for lower playback latency.
    This function will not be available if SonicSYNC is in use. The related settings will be ignored in this case.
    See " \ref tgtspc_android_sonicsync_restriction " for details.
  • If SonicSYNC is disabled, you can use the low-latency play voice pool
    on Android devices by turning on Low Latency Playback.
    The voice pool will be selected according to the CRIWARE Initializer settings.
    Please refer to " \ref cri4u_tgtspc_android_atom_law_latency_play " for details.
Preview playback
You can preview playback using the Play/Stop button on Cri Atom Source's Inspector.
However, in preview playback, 3D positioning is disabled regardless of the Cue settings.
For audio that has 3D positioning applied, play it in the game to check it.

Creating Cri Atom Source

You can create a Cri Atom Source from Atom Browser window .
If you want to attach a Cri Atom Source to a GameObject without using the AtomBrowser window,
please specify the appropriate Cue by setting up Cue Sheet and CueName, or by using CriAtomExPlayer.SetCue .
If created using the AtomBrowser window, the Cue Sheet and Cue Name of the selected Cue will be automatically applied to the Cri Atom Source.
  • Create GameObject
Create a new GameObject and attach a Cri Atom Source component to it.
If an existing GameObject is selected, a new GameObject will be created as a child object of the selected GameObject.
  • Add Component
Attach a Cri Atom Source component to the selected GameObject.

Accessing CriAtomExPlayer

For finer playback control, please use the CriAtomExPlayer API which is also used internally.
You can get an instance from the following parameter:
  • CriAtomSource.player