CRIWARE Unity Plugin Manual  Last Updated: 2024-07-12
CRI Atom components
The following components are provided to manage the entire library.
In addition, the following components are provided to control the sound playback.
For each component to work properly, the Execution Order of the scripts needs to be configured correctly.

CRI Atom

CRI Atom is an object for loading data such as global sound settings and Cue Sheets.
By adding a component to an object in the scene, you can specify which data is to be loaded in the scene on the inspector.

CRI Atom component
Parameter of CRI Atom component
Project Name Description
ACF File Current ACF file (environment setting)
DSP Bus Setting Current DSP bus setting
Cue Sheet group Remove button (removes registered Cue Sheet)
Project Name Description
Name Arbitrary string when referencing the target Cue Sheet in the CriAtom component
ACB File ACB file (Cue Sheet information)
AWB File AWB file (Streaming playback data)
Add CueSheet Button Add a new Cue Sheet
Don't Remove Exists CueSheet The behavior when CriAtom exists in the scene both before and after the scene transition,
and the Cue Sheet to be registered in the destination scene has already been registered.
When set to true :
Re-registration will be skipped and the already registered Cue Sheet will be used. When set to false :
The Cue Sheet will be unregistered and then registered again.
Don't Destroy On Load Prevents destruction of the CRI Atom component after the scene transition
If you register multiple Cue Sheets in the CRI Atom component in advance, you can use them in a scene.

If CRI Atom Source runs before the CRI Atom process starts, it will not work properly because the Cue Sheet will be referenced at that time.
To use the CRI Atom functions in a game scene, perform the following steps:
  • After the application is started, place the CRI Atom and CRI Atom Source in the target scene.
  • Set the Execution Order so that CriAtom.cs is executed before CriAtomSource.cs.
  • Check the Don't Destroy On Load checkbox to maintain the initialized status even after a scene changes.

CRI Atom Server

CRI Atom Server is an object that controls the entire sound playback.
It must be placed in the scene to play sound with ADX. However, the component is automatically created as an object with the name "CRIWARE" when the library is initialized, so normally users do not need to create it.

The CRI Atom Server must always exist in the scene - without being destroyed - once the library has been initialized.
The plugin will generate a game object named "CRIWARE" on the root of the scene's hierarchy, with DontDestroyOnLoad enabled.
(If a "CRIWARE" object already exists in the scene, DontDestroyOnLoad will be enabled on this object instead)

The generated object will continue to exist even after the library's finalization.
Therefore, please use GameObject.Destroy to explicitly delete the object.

CRI Atom Transceiver

This is an object for using the spatial acoustic connection function "Transceiver" in 3D positioning.
For details about 3D Transceiver, refer to Spatial acoustic connection function "3D Transceiver" .
To activate 3D Transceiver, you must use with CRI Atom Region .

CRI Atom Transceiver component

CRI Atom Transceiver component parameter
Item Description
Region On Start 3D region set at OnStart
Use Dedicated Input Set the input point of the audio to be aggregated to another GameObject
Output Volume Output Volume
Transceiving Item for setting the aggregate input/output range of audio. It will affect both sound source and listener
DirectAudioRedius: Range of direct sound
CrossFadeDistance: Crossfade distance between direct and indirect sound
Cone Angle Output cone range setting. You can reset to omnidirectional output with "Set to Omni-Directional"
Inside: Range of angles at output volume playback
Outside: Crossfade range between output volume and cone external volume
Cone Outside Volume Volume outside the output cone
Panning Setting the range of the output panning being ignored and the crossfade distance
Attenuation Setting the radius at which the output volume begins to attenuate and the distance until the volume reaches 0
AISAC Settings of Global AISAC and Angle AISAC Controller ID

CRI Atom Region

This is an object that represents a group of "3D region" of sound sources, listeners, and transceivers.
There is no setting item, but by specifying the GameObject to which this component is pasted,
the 3D region can be set with its CriAtomSource, CriAtomListener, CriAtomTransceiver.