Action Track

Action Track

The Action Track allows you to create actions that act on Cue and categories.

See also
Changing the Sound When Pausing

Action Track Settings

Item name Description
Scope type You can set the scope of this track's actions.
If you select "All", the action will affect all Player.
If you select Sound Object , the action will affect the sound object associated with the Player playing this track.
Target Object Type (not editable) Displays the attributes of the target object.
Target Object (Cannot be edited) The name of the target object is displayed.
Cue Sheet Name (Cannot be edited) Displays the name of the Cue sheet to which the target object belongs.
Cue ID (not editable) Displays the Cue ID of the target object. If the target object is not a Cue, -1 is displayed.
Target beat sync label Set the label to select the beat sync to which the action will be synced.
If there is a label setting with the same name, the action will wait for synchronization, and if there is no label setting with the same name, the action will be executed immediately.
(If "None" is specified, synchronization will be performed between those with "None" specified.)

Actions that can be created

Action Name Target Object Description
Start Cue only This action plays the target. If you specify a block in the start block parameter, the target will be played from that block.
StopCue, CategoryAn action that stops a playing target.
Pause Cue, Category An action that pauses a playing target.
Resume Cue, Category An action to resume a paused target.
Mute Cue Toggles mute for the specified track in the target object.
Playback parameters Cue, Category Overrides the target object's parameters with the values ​​configured in this action.
set selector label Cue only Sets the value of this action as the selector label of the target object.
See also
Specify Block transition destination Cue only Changes the next transition destination of the specified block in the target object to the block set in this action.

Settings for each action

Action: Start

Target objects for which this action is available:

  • Cue
Item name Description
Start Block You can specify which block to start playing the Cue from. This can only be set if the target object has a block as an element.
Start Time You can set the time when the command will be executed.

Action: Stop

Target objects for which this action is available:

  • Cue
  • Category
Item name Description
Start Time You can set the time when the command will be executed.
Fade Time You can set how long it takes for the volume to fade after the command is executed.

Action: Pause

Target objects for which this action is available:

  • Cue
  • Category
Item name Description
Start Time You can set the time when the command will be executed.
Fade Time You can set how long it takes for the volume to fade after the command is executed.

Action: Resume

Target objects for which this action is available:

  • Cue
  • Category
Item name Description
Start Time You can set the time when the command will be executed.

Action: Mute

Target objects for which this action is available:

  • Cue
Item name Description
Track Index You can set the track you want to mute.
Target track name Displays the name of the track that corresponds to the track index.
Mute state You can set whether to mute or unmute the track when the command is executed. *1
Start Time You can set the time when the command will be executed.
Fade Time You can set how long it takes to mute/unmute after the command is executed.
  1. If you execute a mute command on a track that is already muted, the track will remain muted.

Action: Playback parameters

Target objects for which this action is available:

  • Cue
  • Category
Item name Description
Playback Parameter Type The type of parameter to change for the target object.
Target Parameter Value You can set the value of the playback parameter type.
speed to target You can set the amount by which the value of the playback parameter type changes per second.
Start Time You can set the time when the command will be executed.
Curve Type You can set how the parameter changes until the target parameter value.
Curve Strength You can set the extremes of the parameter change.
The closer to 0 the value, the more linear the change. The closer to 2 the value, the more the change will be based on the curve type setting.

For details on curve types and curve strengths, see Types of Graph Curve .

Action: Set selector label

Target objects for which this action is available:

  • Cue
Item name Description
Selector Label You can set the selector label that will be set when the command is executed.
Start Time You can set the time when the command will be executed.

Action: Specify Block transition destination

Target objects for which this action is available:

  • Cue
Item name Description
Block transition Destination You can set the destination block for the next transition.
Start Time You can set the time when the command will be executed.