CRIWARE Unity Plugin Manual  Last Updated: 2024-07-12
CRIWARE components

Introduction of the CRIWARE components

After importing the "CRIWARE Unity Plugin" package into your project, you can use the CRIWARE components.
You can create a CRIWARE component from the Component -> CRIWARE menu.

For each component to work properly, Execution Order in the script needs to be configured correctly.

CRI Atom group

Group of components to control the sound playback in CRI ADX.
The following components are provided:
You can only play a sound through a sound source (i.e. by creating a CRI Atom Source).
Atom Browser window allows you to preview Cue playback and to create CRI Atom Source.
For details, refer to CRI Atom components .

CRI Mana group

Group of components to control the movie playback in CRI Sofdec.
The following components are provided:
For movie playback, CriManaMovieController must be provided for each movie.
For details, refer to CRI Mana component .

CRIWARE Library Initializer component

Component to initialize CRIWARE.
To use the features of the plugin, please be sure to allocate the CRIWARE Library Initializer component in the scene.
The plugin may not work properly without using this component. For details, see " CRIWARE Library Initializer ".

CRIWARE Error Handler component

Component to enable the CRIWARE error output.
By creating this component, you can enable the notification of warnings and errors detected in CRIWARE.
During development, use this component for troubleshooting.
For details, see " CRIWARE Error Handler ".

Use with Unity Timeline

Some CRIWARE components can be played and controlled on the Unity Timeline.
Please refer to the following for the components that support Unity Timeline and how to use them.

CRI Atom Unity Timeline Extension
CRI Mana Unity Timeline Extension

In the conventionally configured plugin package of SDK Ver.3.03.00, Timeline extension is disabled by default.
If you would like to continue using the Timeline extension, please add the following definitions to Scripting Define Symbols.