CRIWARE Unity Plugin Manual  Last Updated: 2024-07-12
[CriAtom] Script samples

Sample information

Middleware CRI ADX (CRI Atom)
Sample name Script samples
Sample description Shows how to use CRI ADX through script control
Location /CRIWARE/SDK/unity/samples/UnityProject/Assets/Scenes/criatom/script/

Unity project

In the Script samples, a separate Unity scene is provided for each feature demonstrated.
An ADX project is also provided for each scene.

The Unity projects for the Script samples are at the following location:


Under Assets in the UnityProject folder are the folders that contain each of the sample scenes. Within these folders are the relevant scene files and script files.
Sample name Name of the folder in Unity3Project ADX project used
Click & play ScriptSample01_ClickToPlay AtomCraftWork_Pinball
Simple sound test ScriptSample02_SoundTest AtomCraftWork_Pinball
Sound control across scenes ScriptSample03_OverSceneSound AtomCraftWork_MusicCrossfade
Can start from any scene ScriptSample04_OverSceneEverywhere AtomCraftWork_MusicCrossfade
Level meter ScriptSample05_LevelMeter AtomCraftWork_MusicCrossfade
Output waveform capturing ScriptSample06_OutputCapture AtomCraftWork_MusicCrossfade
To obtain input sound ScriptSample07_InputCapture None
Seamless concatenated playback ScriptSample08_SeamlessSequencePlayback AtomCraftWork_Pinball
Game: Pinball GameSample_Pinball AtomCraftWork_Pinball

Sample data

The data used in this sample are saved in the AtomCraftProject folder contains the CRI Atom Craft projects and the material files. You can refer these to create sound data.
Sample data name Project folder name Description
Data: Pinball AtomCraftWork_Pinball Sound effects and music for the pinball game
Data: Simple cross-fading of music AtomCraftWork_MusicCrossfade Simple cross-fade of music