CRIWARE Unity Plugin Manual  Last Updated: 2024-07-12
CriAtomEx.CuePos3dInfo Struct Reference

The 3D information of the Cue More...

Public Attributes

float coneInsideAngle
float coneOutsideAngle
float minAttenuationDistance
float maxAttenuationDistance
float sourceRadius
float interiorDistance
float dopplerFactor
Randomize3dConfig randomPos
AisacControlId distanceAisacControl
AisacControlId listenerBaseAngleAisacControl
AisacControlId sourceBaseAngleAisacControl
AisacControlId listenerBaseElevationAisacControl
AisacControlId sourceBaseElevationAisacControl

Detailed Description

The 3D information of the Cue

Waveform information is the 3D details of the Cue.
See also

Member Data Documentation

float coneInsideAngle

Cone internal angle

float coneOutsideAngle

Cone external angle

float minAttenuationDistance

Minimum attenuation distance

float maxAttenuationDistance

Maximum attenuation distance

float sourceRadius

Zero distance InteriorPan applicable distance

float interiorDistance

InteriorPan application boundary distance

float dopplerFactor

Doppler coefficient

Randomize3dConfig randomPos

Configuration information of the 3D sound source randomization

AisacControlId distanceAisacControl

Distance attenuation AISAC control

AisacControlId listenerBaseAngleAisacControl

Listener reference angle AISAC control

AisacControlId sourceBaseAngleAisacControl

Sound source reference angle AISAC control

AisacControlId listenerBaseElevationAisacControl

Listener reference elevation AISAC control

AisacControlId sourceBaseElevationAisacControl

Sound source reference elevation AISAC control

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: