CRIWARE Unity Plugin Manual  Last Updated: 2024-07-12
CRI Atom Native Wrapper


namespace  CriWare
namespace  CriWare.CriAtomDebugDetail


struct  CriAtomEx.SpeakerAngles6ch
 Output speaker angle (5.1ch) More...
struct  CriAtomEx.SpeakerAngles8ch
 Output speaker angle (7.1ch) More...
struct  CriAtomEx.FormatInfo
 Audio data format information More...
struct  CriAtomEx.AisacControlInfo
 A structure for getting the AISAC control information More...
struct  CriAtomEx.Randomize3dConfig
 Config structure used to randomize the positions of the 3D sound sources. More...
struct  CriAtomEx.CuePos3dInfo
 The 3D information of the Cue More...
struct  CriAtomEx.GameVariableInfo
 Structure for acquiring game variable information More...
struct  CriAtomEx.CueInfo
 Cue information More...
struct  CriAtomEx.WaveformInfo
 Sound waveform information More...
struct  CriAtomEx.AisacInfo
 A structure for getting the AISAC information More...
struct  CriAtomEx.PerformanceInfo
 Performance information More...
struct  CriAtomEx.ResourceUsage
 Usage of various resources More...
struct  CriAtomEx.NativeVector
 3D vector structure More...
struct  CriAtomEx.CueLinkInfo
 Information about the Cue Link callback More...
class  CriAtomEx
 Global class of the Atom library. More...
struct  CriAtomExCategory.ReactFadeParameter
 REACT fade parameter structure More...
struct  CriAtomExCategory.ReactDuckerParameter.Volume
 REACT damping volume parameter structure More...
struct  CriAtomExCategory.ReactDuckerParameter.AisacControl
 REACT AISAC Control structure More...
struct  CriAtomExCategory.ReactDuckerParameter.Target
 REACT target structure More...
struct  CriAtomExCategory.ReactDuckerParameter
 Ducker parameter structure by REACT More...
struct  CriAtomExCategory.ReactAisacModulationParameter
 AISAC modulation trigger parameter structure More...
struct  CriAtomExCategory.ReactParameter.Parameter
 REACT behavior parameter structure More...
struct  CriAtomExCategory.ReactParameter
 REACT drive parameter structure More...
class  CriAtomExCategory
 A class for controlling parameters for each Category. More...
struct  CriAtomExSequencer.CriAtomExSequenceEventInfo
 Structure to get information about a sequence event More...
class  CriAtomExSequencer
 A class for controlling the Sequence data. More...
struct  CriAtomExBeatSync.Info
 Beat synchronization position detection callback information More...
class  CriAtomExBeatSync
 A class for using beat synchronization data. More...
struct  CriAtomExAsr.BusAnalyzerInfo
 Level measurement information More...
class  CriAtomExAsr
 A class that controls the bus output of the Atom sound renderer. More...
struct  CriAtomExLatencyEstimator.EstimatorInfo
 Status More...
class  CriAtomExLatencyEstimator
 A class for getting the estimated delay value for sound playback. More...
class  CriAtomEx3dListener
 3D listener More...
struct  CriAtomEx3dSource.Config
 Structure for 3D sound source configuration More...
class  CriAtomEx3dSource
 3D sound source object More...
class  CriAtomEx3dTransceiver
 3D Transceiver object More...
class  CriAtomEx3dRegion
 3D region object More...
class  CriAtomExAcb
 ACB and AWB data More...
class  CriAtomExAcbLoader
 Asynchronous loader of ACB and AWB data More...
struct  CriAtomExAcf.AcfDspSettingInfo
 A structure for getting the DSP bus setting information More...
struct  CriAtomExAcf.AcfDspSettingSnapshotInfo
 A structure for getting the DSP bus setting snapshot information More...
struct  CriAtomExAcf.AcfDspBusInfo
 A structure for getting the DSP bus setting information More...
struct  CriAtomExAcf.AcfDspBusLinkInfo
 A structure for getting the DSP bus link information More...
struct  CriAtomExAcf.CategoryInfo
 A structure for getting the Category information More...
struct  CriAtomExAcf.GlobalAisacInfo
 A structure for getting the AISAC information More...
struct  CriAtomExAcf.AisacGraphInfo
 A structure for getting the AISAC Graph information More...
struct  CriAtomExAcf.AcfInfo
 ACF information More...
struct  CriAtomExAcf.SelectorInfo
 A structure for getting the selector information More...
struct  CriAtomExAcf.SelectorLabelInfo
 A structure for getting the Selector Label information More...
class  CriAtomExAcf
 ACF data More...
struct  CriAtomExAsrRack.Config
 A config structure for creating an ASR Rack More...
struct  CriAtomExAsrRack.PlatformConfig
 A platform-specific config structure for creating an ASR Rack More...
struct  CriAtomExAsrRack.PerformanceInfo
 Performance information More...
interface  CriAtomExAsrRack.IPlatformConfig
 Platform-specific configuration structure used to create an ASR Rack More...
class  CriAtomExAsrRack
 ASR Rack More...
struct  CriAtomExAuxIn.Config
 A config structure for creating an AuxIn More...
class  CriAtomExAuxIn
 AuxIn for reading external sound More...
struct  CriAtomExMic.DeviceInfo
 Microphone device information structure More...
struct  CriAtomExMic.Config
 A config structure for creating an AtomEx microphone More...
class  CriAtomExMic.Effect
 Microphone effect More...
class  CriAtomExMic
 Microphone for capturing sound More...
struct  CriAtomExOutputAnalyzer.Config
 Sound output data analysis module config structure More...
class  CriAtomExOutputAnalyzer
 Sound output data analysis module (for each player/source/bus) More...
struct  CriAtomExPlayback.TrackInfo
 Playback Track information More...
struct  CriAtomExPlayback
 Playback sound object More...
class  CriAtomExPlayer
 AtomExPlayer More...
struct  CriAtomExPlayerOutputAnalyzer.Config
 Sound output data analysis module config structure More...
class  CriAtomExPlayerOutputAnalyzer
 Sound output data analysis module (for each player/source) More...
class  CriAtomExSoundObject
 AtomEx sound object More...
class  CriAtomExTween
 AtomExTween Class More...
struct  CriAtomExVoicePool.UsedVoicesInfo
 Structure for representing the usage of Voices in the Voice Pool More...
struct  CriAtomExVoicePool.PlayerConfig
 A configuration structure used when creating Voices More...
class  CriAtomExVoicePool
 Abstract class for controlling a voice pool More...
struct  CriAtomExStandardVoicePool.Config
 Configuration structure for the initialization of a standard Voice Pool More...
class  CriAtomExStandardVoicePool
 Standard Voice Pool More...
struct  CriAtomExWaveVoicePool.Config
 Initialization configuration structure used when creating of Wave voice pool More...
class  CriAtomExWaveVoicePool
 Wave Voice Pool More...
class  CriAtomExRawPcmVoicePool
 RawPCM Voice Pool More...
struct  CriAtomExDebug.ResourcesInfo
 Status of various resources inside CriAtomEx More...
class  CriAtomExDebug
 A class that contains the APIs for debugging the CriAtomEx application. More...
struct  CriAtomExAcfDebug.CategoryInfo
 Category information More...
struct  CriAtomExAcfDebug.DspBusInfo
 DSP bus setting information More...
struct  CriAtomExAcfDebug.AisacControlInfo
 AISAC control information More...
struct  CriAtomExAcfDebug.GlobalAisacInfo
 Global AISAC information More...
struct  CriAtomExAcfDebug.SelectorInfo
 Selector information More...
struct  CriAtomExAcfDebug.SelectorLabelInfo
 Selector Label information More...
class  CriAtomExAcfDebug
 A class that contains the APIs for debugging the CriAtomExAcf application. More...
struct  CriAtomExAcbDebug.AcbInfo
 ACB information More...
class  CriAtomExAcbDebug
 A class that contains the APIs for debugging the CriAtomExAcb application. More...
class  CriAtomExPlaybackDebug
 A class that contains the APIs for debugging the CriAtomExPlayback application. More...

Detailed Description

Wrapper classes for the native CRI Atom library.
Use these when you need more control over the Atom library in your application.