CRI ADX  Last Updated: 2024-07-17 10:47 p
cri_le_atom_asr.h File Reference
#include "cri_le_xpt.h"
#include "cri_le_atom.h"
#include "cri_le_atom_ex.h"

Data Structures

struct  CriAtomExAsrConfigTag
 Configuration structure for initializing ASRThis structure is used for specifying the behavior of the software sound renderer ASR.
This structure is specified as an argument of the criAtomExAsr_Initialize function.
struct  CriAtomExAsrBusAnalyzerConfig
 Configuration structure for attaching level measuring functionThis structure is used for attaching the level measuring function to a bus
This structure is specified as an argument of the criAtomExAsr_AttachBusAnalyzerByName function.
struct  CriAtomExAsrBusAnalyzerInfoTag
 Level measurement information. More...
struct  CriAtomExAsrBusPanInfoTag
 Pan Information Structure. More...
struct  CriAtomExAsrIrReverbPerformanceInfoTag
 IR reverb effect load measurement structure. More...
struct  CriAtomExAsrRackConfigTag
 Configuration structure for creating an ASR rackThis structure is used for specifying the behavior of the ASR (Atom Sound Renderer).
This structure is specified as an argument of the criAtomExAsrRack_Create function.
struct  CriAtomExAsrRackPerformanceInfoTag
 Performance Information. More...
struct  CriAtomAsrConfigTag
 ASR initialization configuration structureThis is a structure to specify the behavior of the software sound renderer ASR.
This structure is specified as an argument of the criAtomAsr_Initialize function.
struct  CriAtomExConfigForUserPcmOutputTag
 Configuration structure for Atom library initializationStructure used to specify the behavior of the CRI Atom library.
It is passed as an argument to the criAtomEx_InitializeForUserPcmOutput function.
struct  CriAtomPlayerConfig_ASR


 Maximum number of channels. More...
 Default number of potential send buses. More...
 Default number of buses. More...
 Maximum number of channels. More...
 Default ASR Rack ID. More...
 Illegal rack ID. More...
 Maximum registered number of user-defined effect interface. More...
 Number of object-based sounds that can be played simultaneously. More...
 Effect name of amplitude analyzer.
 Effect name of Bus/buffer pool.
 Effect name of biquad filter.
 Effect name of bandpass filter (2nd order Butterworth filter)
 Effect name of chorus.
 Effect name of flanger.
 Effect name of compressor.
 Effect name of limiter.
 Effect name of delay.
 Effect name of echo.
 Effect name of multi tap delay.
 Effect name of distortion.
 Effect name of I3DL2 reverb.
 Effect name of matrix.
 Effect name of matrix compatible with 16ch expansion.
 Effect name of 3-bands EQ.
 Effect name of 32 bands equalizer.
 Effect name of pitch shifter.
 Effect name of reverb.
 Effect name of surrounder.
 Effect name of Bit Crusher.
 Effect name of Phaser.
 Effect name of Headphone Virtual Surround.
 Effect name of IR reverb.
 Effect name of I3DL2 Reverb Ver.2.
 Effect name of Surrounder with EQ.
 Side chain table ID of the write destination. More...
 Number of parameters of amplitude analyzer. More...
 Type. More...
 Processing frequency [Hz]. More...
 Q value. More...
 Output gain [amplitude]. More...
 Number of parameters of biquad filter. More...
 Parameter set value when specifying low pass filter.
 Parameter set value when specifying high pass filter.
 Parameter setting value when specifying notch filter.
 Parameter setting value when specifying low shelf filter.
 Parameter setting value when specifying high shelf filter.
 Parameter setting value when specifying peaking filter.
 Low cutoff frequency [Hz]. More...
 High cutoff frequency [Hz]. More...
 Number of parameters of band pass filter (second order Butterworth filter) More...
 Delay time [ms]. More...
 Depth (LFO amplitude) More...
 Rate (speed, LFO frequency) [Hz]. More...
 Feedback gain. More...
 Mix of dry ingredients. More...
 Number of parameters of chorus.
 Delay time [ms]. More...
 Depth (LFO amplitude) More...
 Rate (speed, LFO frequency) [Hz]. More...
 Feedback gain. More...
 Mix of dry ingredients. More...
 Mix of wet ingredients. More...
 Number of parameters of the flanger.
 Threshold. More...
 Ratio. More...
 Attack time [ms]. More...
 Release time [ms]. More...
 Maximum output gain [amplitude]. More...
 Surround link strength. More...
 Type of split EQ. More...
 Split EQ processing frequency [Hz]. More...
 Q value of split EQ. More...
 Number of parameters of the compressor.
 Set value when not using split EQ.
 Set value when using low pass filter with split EQ.
 Set value when using high pass filter with split EQ.
 Set value when using band pass filter with split EQ.
 Set value when using notch filter with split EQ.
 Set value when operating the compressor according to its own amplitude measurement result.
 Set value when operating the compressor using side chain.
 Set value when setting the amplitude detection type of the compressor to the peak value.
 Set value when setting the amplitude detection type of the compressor to RMS.
 Threshold. More...
 Attack time [ms]. More...
 Release time [ms]. More...
 Maximum output gain [amplitude]. More...
 Surround link strength. More...
 Amplitude detection value type. More...
 Number of limiter parameters.
 Set value when operating the limiter according to its own amplitude measurement result.
 Set value when operating the limiter using side chain.
 Set value when setting the amplitude detection type of the limiter to the peak value.
 Set value when setting limiter amplitude detection type to RMS.
 Delay time [ms]. More...
 Number of delay parameters.
 Minimum delay time that can be set with delay [ms].
 Maximum delay time that can be set with delay [ms]. More...
 Delay time [ms]. More...
 Feedback gain. More...
 Number of parameters of echo.
 Minimum delay time that can be set by echo [ms].
 Maximum delay time that can be set by echo [ms]. More...
 Minimum feedback gain settable with echo.
 Maximum feedback gain settable with echo.
 Number of taps of multi tap delay.
 Number of output channels of multi-tap delay. More...
 Maximum delay time that can be set with multi tap delay [ms]. More...
 Number of parameters per tap of multi-tap delay.
 The upper limit value of feedback total amount of multitap delay. More...
 Number of multi-tap delay parameters.
 Strength of distortion [dB]. More...
 The ratio of dry component. More...
 The ratio of wet component. More...
 Final output level [amplitude]. More...
 Number of distortion parameters.
 Entire effect output volume [mB]. More...
 Volume of reference frequency (high frequency) component [mB]. More...
 Decay time of the rear reverberation sound [sec]. More...
 The ratio of high frequency attenuation to low frequency attenuation of the rear reverberation sound. More...
 Volume of initial reflected sound [mB]. More...
 Delay time of early reflected sound [sec]. More...
 Volume of rear reverberation sound [mB]. More...
 Delay time of the rear reverberation sound [sec]. More...
 Echo density of the rear reverberation sound [%]. More...
 Modal density of rear reverberation [%]. More...
 RoomHF reference frequency (high frequency) [Hz]. More...
 Input level of the front component [mB]. More...
 Input level of the rear component [mB]. More...
 Input level of the center component [mB]. More...
 Output level of the front component [mB]. More...
 Output level of rear component [mB]. More...
 Output level of center component [mB]. More...
 Number of parameters of I3DL2 reverb.
#define CRIATOMEXASR_I3DL2_REVERB_PRESET_GENERIC    { -1000, -100, 1.49f, 0.83f, -2602, 0.007f, 200, 0.011f, 100.0f, 100.0f, 5000.0f}
 I3DL2 reverb preset "GENERIC".
#define CRIATOMEXASR_I3DL2_REVERB_PRESET_PADDEDCELL    { -1000, -6000, 0.17f, 0.10f, -1204, 0.001f, 207, 0.002f, 100.0f, 100.0f, 5000.0f}
 I3DL2 reverb preset "PADDED CELL".
#define CRIATOMEXASR_I3DL2_REVERB_PRESET_ROOM    { -1000, -454, 0.40f, 0.83f, -1646, 0.002f, 53, 0.003f, 100.0f, 100.0f, 5000.0f}
 I3DL2 reverb preset "ROOM".
#define CRIATOMEXASR_I3DL2_REVERB_PRESET_BATHROOM    { -1000, -1200, 1.49f, 0.54f, -370, 0.007f, 1030, 0.011f, 100.0f, 60.0f, 5000.0f}
 I3DL2 reverb preset "BATH ROOM".
#define CRIATOMEXASR_I3DL2_REVERB_PRESET_LIVINGROOM    { -1000, -6000, 0.50f, 0.10f, -1376, 0.003f, -1104, 0.004f, 100.0f, 100.0f, 5000.0f}
 I3DL2 reverb preset "LIVING ROOM".
#define CRIATOMEXASR_I3DL2_REVERB_PRESET_STONEROOM    { -1000, -300, 2.31f, 0.64f, -711, 0.012f, 83, 0.017f, 100.0f, 100.0f, 5000.0f}
 I3DL2 reverb preset "STONE ROOM".
#define CRIATOMEXASR_I3DL2_REVERB_PRESET_AUDITORIUM    { -1000, -476, 4.32f, 0.59f, -789, 0.020f, -289, 0.030f, 100.0f, 100.0f, 5000.0f}
 I3DL2 reverb preset "AUDITORIUM".
#define CRIATOMEXASR_I3DL2_REVERB_PRESET_CONCERTHALL    { -1000, -500, 3.92f, 0.70f, -1230, 0.020f, -2, 0.029f, 100.0f, 100.0f, 5000.0f}
 I3DL2 reverb preset "CONCERT HALL".
#define CRIATOMEXASR_I3DL2_REVERB_PRESET_CAVE    { -1000, 0, 2.91f, 1.30f, -602, 0.015f, -302, 0.022f, 100.0f, 100.0f, 5000.0f}
 I3DL2 reverb preset "CAVE".
#define CRIATOMEXASR_I3DL2_REVERB_PRESET_ARENA    { -1000, -698, 7.24f, 0.33f, -1166, 0.020f, 16, 0.030f, 100.0f, 100.0f, 5000.0f}
 I3DL2 reverb preset "ARENA".
#define CRIATOMEXASR_I3DL2_REVERB_PRESET_HANGAR    { -1000, -1000, 10.05f, 0.23f, -602, 0.020f, 198, 0.030f, 100.0f, 100.0f, 5000.0f}
 I3DL2 reverb preset "HANGER".
#define CRIATOMEXASR_I3DL2_REVERB_PRESET_CARPETEDHALLWAY    { -1000, -4000, 0.30f, 0.10f, -1831, 0.002f, -1630, 0.030f, 100.0f, 100.0f, 5000.0f}
 I3DL2 reverb preset "CARPETED HALLWAY".
#define CRIATOMEXASR_I3DL2_REVERB_PRESET_HALLWAY    { -1000, -300, 1.49f, 0.59f, -1219, 0.007f, 441, 0.011f, 100.0f, 100.0f, 5000.0f}
 I3DL2 reverb preset "HALLWAY".
#define CRIATOMEXASR_I3DL2_REVERB_PRESET_STONECORRIDOR    { -1000, -237, 2.70f, 0.79f, -1214, 0.013f, 395, 0.020f, 100.0f, 100.0f, 5000.0f}
 I3DL2 reverb preset "STONE CORRIDOR".
#define CRIATOMEXASR_I3DL2_REVERB_PRESET_ALLEY    { -1000, -270, 1.49f, 0.86f, -1204, 0.007f, -4, 0.011f, 100.0f, 100.0f, 5000.0f}
 I3DL2 reverb preset "ALLEY".
#define CRIATOMEXASR_I3DL2_REVERB_PRESET_FOREST    { -1000, -3300, 1.49f, 0.54f, -2560, 0.162f, -613, 0.088f, 79.0f, 100.0f, 5000.0f}
 I3DL2 reverb preset "FOREST".
#define CRIATOMEXASR_I3DL2_REVERB_PRESET_CITY    { -1000, -800, 1.49f, 0.67f, -2273, 0.007f, -2217, 0.011f, 50.0f, 100.0f, 5000.0f}
 I3DL2 reverb preset "CITY".
#define CRIATOMEXASR_I3DL2_REVERB_PRESET_MOUNTAINS    { -1000, -2500, 1.49f, 0.21f, -2780, 0.300f, -2014, 0.100f, 27.0f, 100.0f, 5000.0f}
 I3DL2 reverb preset "MOUNTAINS".
#define CRIATOMEXASR_I3DL2_REVERB_PRESET_QUARRY    { -1000, -1000, 1.49f, 0.83f, -10000, 0.061f, 500, 0.025f, 100.0f, 100.0f, 5000.0f}
 I3DL2 reverb preset "QUARRY".
#define CRIATOMEXASR_I3DL2_REVERB_PRESET_PLAIN    { -1000, -2000, 1.49f, 0.50f, -2466, 0.179f, -2514, 0.100f, 21.0f, 100.0f, 5000.0f}
 I3DL2 reverb preset "PLAIN".
#define CRIATOMEXASR_I3DL2_REVERB_PRESET_PARKINGLOT    { -1000, 0, 1.65f, 1.50f, -1363, 0.008f, -1153, 0.012f, 100.0f, 100.0f, 5000.0f}
 I3DL2 reverb preset "PARKING LOT".
#define CRIATOMEXASR_I3DL2_REVERB_PRESET_SEWERPIPE    { -1000, -1000, 2.81f, 0.14f, 429, 0.014f, 648, 0.021f, 80.0f, 60.0f, 5000.0f}
 I3DL2 reverb preset "SEWER PIPE".
#define CRIATOMEXASR_I3DL2_REVERB_PRESET_UNDERWATER    { -1000, -4000, 1.49f, 0.10f, -449, 0.007f, 1700, 0.011f, 100.0f, 100.0f, 5000.0f}
 I3DL2 reverb preset "UNDER WATER".
#define CRIATOMEXASR_I3DL2_REVERB_PRESET_SMALLROOM    { -1000, -600, 1.10f, 0.83f, -400, 0.005f, 500, 0.010f, 100.0f, 100.0f, 5000.0f}
 I3DL2 reverb preset "SMALL ROOM".
#define CRIATOMEXASR_I3DL2_REVERB_PRESET_MEDIUMROOM    { -1000, -600, 1.30f, 0.83f, -1000, 0.010f, -200, 0.020f, 100.0f, 100.0f, 5000.0f}
 I3DL2 reverb preset "MEDIUM ROOM".
#define CRIATOMEXASR_I3DL2_REVERB_PRESET_LARGEROOM    { -1000, -600, 1.50f, 0.83f, -1600, 0.020f, -1000, 0.040f, 100.0f, 100.0f, 5000.0f}
 I3DL2 reverb preset "LARGE ROOM".
#define CRIATOMEXASR_I3DL2_REVERB_PRESET_MEDIUMHALL    { -1000, -600, 1.80f, 0.70f, -1300, 0.015f, -800, 0.030f, 100.0f, 100.0f, 5000.0f}
 I3DL2 reverb preset "MEDIUM HALL".
#define CRIATOMEXASR_I3DL2_REVERB_PRESET_LARGEHALL    { -1000, -600, 1.80f, 0.70f, -2000, 0.030f, -1400, 0.060f, 100.0f, 100.0f, 5000.0f}
 I3DL2 reverb preset "LARGE HALL".
#define CRIATOMEXASR_I3DL2_REVERB_PRESET_PLATE    { -1000, -200, 1.30f, 0.90f, 0, 0.002f, 0, 0.010f, 100.0f, 75.0f, 5000.0f}
 I3DL2 reverb preset "PLATE".
 Maximum number of channels that can be handled. More...
 Number of parameters when the input/output channels of the matrix are specified by default. More...
 Parameter setting value when specifying low shelf filter.
 Parameter setting value when specifying high shelf filter.
 Parameter setting value when specifying peaking filter.
 Number of parameters per band of 3 band equalizer / 32 band equalizer.
 Pitch change amount [ratio]. More...
 Formant change amount [ratio]. More...
 Operation mode. More...
 Pitch frequency of input audio data [Hz]. More...
 Number of parameters of pitch shifter.
 Parameter setting value when music is specified in the pitch shifter operation mode. More...
 Parameter setting value when vocal is specified in the pitch shifter operation mode. More...
 Parameter setting value when SE is specified in the pitch shifter operation mode. More...
 Parameter setting value for speech is specified in the pitch shifter operation mode. More...
 Reverberation time [ms]. More...
 Room size [m]. More...
 Pre-delay time [ms]. More...
 Low cutoff frequency [Hz]. More...
 High cutoff frequency [Hz]. More...
 Number of parameters of reverb.
 Parameter setting value when specifying surround in reverb operation mode. More...
 Parameter setting value when stereo is specified in reverb operation mode. More...
 Parameter setting value when specifying rear only in reverb operation mode. More...
 Parameter setting value when specifying only center in reverb operation mode. More...
 Operation mode. More...
 Delay time of surround component [ms]. More...
 Gain of the surround component [amplitude]. More...
 Number of parameters of the surrounder.
 Parameter setting value when specifying straight in the surrounder operation mode. More...
 Parameter setting value when specifying cross in the surrounder operation mode. More...
 Parameter setting value when specifying matrix in surrounder operation mode. More...
 Strength of distortion[dB]. More...
 Number of quantization bits. More...
 Downsampling. More...
 Percentage of dry component. More...
 Percentage of wet component. More...
 Output level [amplitude]. More...
 Number of parameters of bit crusher.
 Delay time [ms]. More...
 Depth (LFO amplitude) More...
 Rate (speed, LFO frequency) [Hz]. More...
 Feedback gain. More...
 Mix of dry component. More...
 Mix of wet component. More...
 Number of phasor parameters.
 gain More...
 balance More...
 Number of parameters that can be specified when operating in virtual surround.
 Dry ingredient mix gain(0 ~ 1) More...
 Gain of wet component (0 to 1) More...
 Gain of reverb component (0 to 1) More...
 Degree of left/right separation when input signal is stereo mixed (0 to 1) More...
 Gain of the front component when stereo mixing the input signal (0 to 1) More...
 Gain of the center component when stereo mixing the input signal (0 to 1) More...
 Gain of surround component when input signal is stereo mixed (0 to 1) More...
 Gain of surround back component when input signal is stereo mixed (0 to 1) More...
 Gain of the front component when upmixing the wet component (0 to 1) More...
 Gain of the center component when upmixing the wet component (0 to 1) More...
 Gain of surround component when upmixing wet component (0 to 1) More...
 Gain of surround back component when upmixing wet component (0 to 1) More...
 IR index number. More...
 Number of effect parameters for IR reverb.
 Overall effect output volume [mB]. More...
 Volume of reference frequency (high frequency) component [mB]. More...
 Late reverberation decay time [sec]. More...
 Ratio of high frequency attenuation to low frequency attenuation of late reverberant sound. More...
 Volume of early reflections [mB]. More...
 Delay time of early reflection sound [sec]. More...
 Late reverberation volume [mB]. More...
 Late reverberation delay time [sec]. More...
 Echo density of late reverberant sound [%]. More...
 Modal density of late reverberation [%]. More...
 RoomHF reference frequency (high range) [Hz]. More...
 Input level of front component [mB]. More...
 Input level of rear component [mB]. More...
 Input level of center component [mB]. More...
 Output level of front component [mB]. More...
 Output level of rear component [mB]. More...
 Center component output level [mB]. More...
 Number of parameters for I3DL2 reverb 2 Ver.2.
#define criAtomExAsr_SetDefaultConfig(p_config)
 Set default parameters to CriAtomExAsrConfig. More...
#define criAtomExAsr_SetDefaultConfigForBusAnalyzer(p_config)
 Set the default value in the level measurement function configuration structure. More...
#define criAtomExAsrRack_SetDefaultConfig(p_config)
 Setting default parameters for CriAtomAsrConfig. More...
#define criAtomAsr_SetDefaultConfig(p_config)
 Set default parameters for CriAtomAsrConfig. More...
#define criAtomEx_SetDefaultConfigForUserPcmOutput(p_config)
 Set default values to the library initialization configuration structure. More...
#define criAtomPlayer_SetDefaultConfig_ASR(p_config)
 Setting the default parameter to CriAtomPlayerConfig_ASR. More...
#define CRIATOMEXASR_CHORUS_PARAMETER_WET_MIX(tap_index)    ((tap_index) + 5)
 Mix of wet components. More...
#define CRIATOMEXASR_MATRIX_PARAMETER_LEVELS(input_ch, output_ch)    ((input_ch) * CRIATOMEXASR_MATRIX_DEFAULT_NUM_CHANNELS + (output_ch))
 Send level [amplitude]. More...
 Filter type of each band. More...
 The center frequency of each band [Hz]. More...
 The Q value of each band. More...
 Output gain of each band [amplitude]. More...
 Calculate the total number of parameters of 3 band equalizer / 32 band equalizer by specifying the number of band. More...
 Delay time [ms]. More...
 Output level [amplitude]. More...
 Direction (pan) angle [degree]. More...
 Feedback gain. More...


typedef struct CriAtomExAsrConfigTag CriAtomExAsrConfig
 Configuration structure for initializing ASRThis structure is used for specifying the behavior of the software sound renderer ASR.
This structure is specified as an argument of the criAtomExAsr_Initialize function.
typedef struct CriAtomExAsrBusAnalyzerInfoTag CriAtomExAsrBusAnalyzerInfo
 Level measurement information. More...
typedef struct CriAtomExAsrBusPanInfoTag CriAtomExAsrBusPanInfo
 Pan Information Structure. More...
typedef void(* CriAtomExAsrBusFilterCbFunc) (void *obj, CriAtomPcmFormat format, CriSint32 num_channels, CriSint32 num_samples, void *data[])
 Waveform filter callback function. More...
typedef const struct CriAfxInterfaceWithVersionTag * CriAtomExAsrAfxInterfaceWithVersionPtr
 Incomplete type of effect interface structure. More...
typedef struct CriAtomExAsrIrReverbPerformanceInfoTag CriAtomExAsrIrReverbPerformanceInfo
 IR reverb effect load measurement structure. More...
typedef CriSint32 CriAtomExAsrRackId
 ASR Rack ID. More...
typedef struct CriAtomExAsrRackConfigTag CriAtomExAsrRackConfig
 Configuration structure for creating an ASR rackThis structure is used for specifying the behavior of the ASR (Atom Sound Renderer).
This structure is specified as an argument of the criAtomExAsrRack_Create function.
typedef struct CriAtomExAsrRackPerformanceInfoTag CriAtomExAsrRackPerformanceInfo
 Performance Information. More...
typedef struct CriAtomAsrConfigTag CriAtomAsrConfig
 ASR initialization configuration structureThis is a structure to specify the behavior of the software sound renderer ASR.
This structure is specified as an argument of the criAtomAsr_Initialize function.
typedef struct CriAtomExConfigForUserPcmOutputTag CriAtomExConfigForUserPcmOutput
 Configuration structure for Atom library initializationStructure used to specify the behavior of the CRI Atom library.
It is passed as an argument to the criAtomEx_InitializeForUserPcmOutput function.


CriSint32 criAtomExAsr_CalculateWorkSize (const CriAtomExAsrConfig *config)
 Calculate work area size required for initializing ASR. More...
void criAtomExAsr_SetConfigForWorkSizeCalculation (const CriAtomExAsrConfig *config)
 Set configuration structure for work area size calculation. More...
void criAtomExAsr_Initialize (const CriAtomExAsrConfig *config, void *work, CriSint32 work_size)
 Initialize ASR. More...
void criAtomExAsr_Finalize (void)
 Finalize ASR. More...
void criAtomExAsr_SetBusVolumeByName (const CriChar8 *bus_name, CriFloat32 volume)
 Bus volume setting. More...
void criAtomExAsr_GetBusVolumeByName (const CriChar8 *bus_name, CriFloat32 *volume)
 Get the volume of a bus. More...
void criAtomExAsr_SetBusPanInfoByName (const CriChar8 *bus_name, const CriAtomExAsrBusPanInfo *pan_info)
 Setting pan information for a bus. More...
void criAtomExAsr_GetBusPanInfoByName (const CriChar8 *bus_name, CriAtomExAsrBusPanInfo *pan_info)
 Setting pan information for a bus. More...
void criAtomExAsr_SetBusMatrixByName (const CriChar8 *bus_name, CriSint32 input_channels, CriSint32 output_channels, const CriFloat32 matrix[])
 Set level matrix for a bus. More...
void criAtomExAsr_SetBusSendLevelByName (const CriChar8 *bus_name, const CriChar8 *sendto_bus_name, CriFloat32 level)
 Set bus send level. More...
void criAtomExAsr_SetEffectParameter (const CriChar8 *bus_name, const CriChar8 *effect_name, CriUint32 parameter_index, CriFloat32 parameter_value)
 Set parameter during effect operation. More...
void criAtomExAsr_UpdateEffectParameters (const CriChar8 *bus_name, const CriChar8 *effect_name)
 Update parameter during effect operation. More...
CriFloat32 criAtomExAsr_GetEffectParameter (const CriChar8 *bus_name, const CriChar8 *effect_name, CriUint32 parameter_index)
 Get parameter during effect operation. More...
void criAtomExAsr_SetEffectBypass (const CriChar8 *bus_name, const CriChar8 *effect_name, CriBool bypass)
 Enable / disable the bypass of an effect. More...
void criAtomExAsr_AttachBusAnalyzerByName (const CriChar8 *bus_name, const CriAtomExAsrBusAnalyzerConfig *config)
 Add a level measurement function. More...
void criAtomExAsr_DetachBusAnalyzerByName (const CriChar8 *bus_name)
 Delete level measuring function. More...
void criAtomExAsr_GetBusAnalyzerInfoByName (const CriChar8 *bus_name, CriAtomExAsrBusAnalyzerInfo *info)
 Acquire level measurement results. More...
void criAtomExAsr_SetBusFilterCallbackByName (const CriChar8 *bus_name, CriAtomExAsrBusFilterCbFunc pre_func, CriAtomExAsrBusFilterCbFunc post_func, void *obj)
 Register waveform filter callback function. More...
CriSint32 criAtomExAsr_GetNumBuses (void)
 Acquiring the maximum number of buses. More...
CriBool criAtomExAsr_RegisterEffectInterface (CriAtomExAsrAfxInterfaceWithVersionPtr afx_interface)
 Register a user-defined effect interface. More...
void criAtomExAsr_UnregisterEffectInterface (CriAtomExAsrAfxInterfaceWithVersionPtr afx_interface)
 Unregister a user-defined effect interface. More...
void criAtomExAsr_ResetIrReverbPerformanceInfo (void)
 IR reverb effect load measurement reset. More...
void criAtomExAsr_GetIrReverbPerformanceInfo (CriAtomExAsrIrReverbPerformanceInfo *info)
 IR reverb effect load measurement. More...
CriSint32 criAtomExAsrRack_CalculateWorkSize (const CriAtomExAsrRackConfig *config)
 Calculating the size of the work area for creating the ASR rack. More...
CriSint32 criAtomExAsrRack_CalculateWorkSizeForDspBusSettingFromConfig (const CriAtomExAsrRackConfig *config, const CriChar8 *setting)
 Calculating the size of the work area for attaching the DSP bus settings. More...
CriSint32 criAtomExAsrRack_CalculateWorkSizeForDspBusSettingFromAcfDataAndConfig (void *acf_data, CriSint32 acf_data_size, const CriAtomExAsrRackConfig *rack_config, const CriChar8 *setting)
 Calculating the size of the work area for attaching the DSP bus settings. More...
CriAtomExAsrRackId criAtomExAsrRack_Create (const CriAtomExAsrRackConfig *config, void *work, CriSint32 work_size)
 Creating the ASR rack. More...
void criAtomExAsrRack_Destroy (CriAtomExAsrRackId rack_id)
 Destruction of the ASR rack. More...
void criAtomExAsrRack_GetNumRenderedSamples (CriAtomExAsrRackId rack_id, CriSint64 *num_samples, CriSint32 *sampling_rate)
 Resetting the performance monitor. More...
void criAtomExAsrRack_ResetPerformanceMonitor (CriAtomExAsrRackId rack_id)
 Reset the Performance Monitor. More...
void criAtomExAsrRack_GetPerformanceInfo (CriAtomExAsrRackId rack_id, CriAtomExAsrRackPerformanceInfo *info)
 Acquiring the performance information. More...
CriSint32 criAtomExAsrRack_CalculateWorkSizeForDspBusSetting (CriAtomExAsrRackId rack_id, const CriChar8 *setting)
 Calculating the size of the work area for attaching the DSP bus settings. More...
void criAtomExAsrRack_AttachDspBusSetting (CriAtomExAsrRackId rack_id, const CriChar8 *setting, void *work, CriSint32 work_size)
 Attaching the DSP bus settings. More...
void criAtomExAsrRack_DetachDspBusSetting (CriAtomExAsrRackId rack_id)
 Detaching the DSP bus settings. More...
void criAtomExAsrRack_ApplyDspBusSnapshot (CriAtomExAsrRackId rack_id, const CriChar8 *snapshot_name, CriSint32 time_ms)
 Applying a DSP bus snapshot. More...
const CriChar8 * criAtomExAsrRack_GetAppliedDspBusSnapshotName (CriAtomExAsrRackId rack_id)
 Get DSP bus snapshot name. More...
void criAtomExAsrRack_SetBusVolumeByName (CriAtomExAsrRackId rack_id, const CriChar8 *bus_name, CriFloat32 volume)
 Setting the volume of the bus. More...
void criAtomExAsrRack_GetBusVolumeByName (CriAtomExAsrRackId rack_id, const CriChar8 *bus_name, CriFloat32 *volume)
 Get the volume of a bus. More...
void criAtomExAsrRack_SetBusPanInfoByName (CriAtomExAsrRackId rack_id, const CriChar8 *bus_name, const CriAtomExAsrBusPanInfo *pan_info)
 Setting pan information for a bus. More...
void criAtomExAsrRack_GetBusPanInfoByName (CriAtomExAsrRackId rack_id, const CriChar8 *bus_name, CriAtomExAsrBusPanInfo *pan_info)
 Get bus pan information. More...
void criAtomExAsrRack_SetBusMatrixByName (CriAtomExAsrRackId rack_id, const CriChar8 *bus_name, CriSint32 input_channels, CriSint32 output_channels, const CriFloat32 matrix[])
 Setting the level matrix for the bus. More...
void criAtomExAsrRack_SetBusSendLevelByName (CriAtomExAsrRackId rack_id, const CriChar8 *bus_name, const CriChar8 *sendto_bus_name, CriFloat32 level)
 Setting the send level for the bus. More...
void criAtomExAsrRack_SetEffectParameter (CriAtomExAsrRackId rack_id, const CriChar8 *bus_name, const CriChar8 *effect_name, const CriUint32 parameter_index, const CriFloat32 parameter_value)
 Set parameter during effect operation. More...
void criAtomExAsrRack_UpdateEffectParameters (CriAtomExAsrRackId rack_id, const CriChar8 *bus_name, const CriChar8 *effect_name)
 Update parameter during effect operation. More...
CriFloat32 criAtomExAsrRack_GetEffectParameter (CriAtomExAsrRackId rack_id, const CriChar8 *bus_name, const CriChar8 *effect_name, const CriUint32 parameter_index)
 Get parameter during effect operation. More...
void criAtomExAsrRack_SetEffectBypass (CriAtomExAsrRackId rack_id, const CriChar8 *bus_name, const CriChar8 *effect_name, const CriBool bypass)
 Enable / disable the bypass of an effect. More...
CriBool criAtomExAsrRack_GetEffectBypass (CriAtomExAsrRackId rack_id, const CriChar8 *bus_name, const CriChar8 *effect_name)
 Adding a level measuring feature. More...
void criAtomExAsrRack_AttachBusAnalyzerByName (CriAtomExAsrRackId rack_id, const CriChar8 *bus_name, const CriAtomExAsrBusAnalyzerConfig *config)
 Added level measurement function. More...
void criAtomExAsrRack_DetachBusAnalyzerByName (CriAtomExAsrRackId rack_id, const CriChar8 *bus_name)
 Deleting the level measurement feature. More...
void criAtomExAsrRack_GetBusAnalyzerInfoByName (CriAtomExAsrRackId rack_id, const CriChar8 *bus_name, CriAtomExAsrBusAnalyzerInfo *info)
 Obtaining the level measurement results. More...
void criAtomExAsrRack_SetBusFilterCallbackByName (CriAtomExAsrRackId rack_id, const CriChar8 *bus_name, CriAtomExAsrBusFilterCbFunc pre_func, CriAtomExAsrBusFilterCbFunc post_func, void *obj)
 Registering a wave filter callback function. More...
void criAtomExAsrRack_SetAlternateRackId (CriAtomExAsrRackId rack_id, CriAtomExAsrRackId alt_rack_id)
 Setting the alternative ASR Rack ID. More...
CriSint32 criAtomExAsrRack_GetNumBuses (CriAtomExAsrRackId rack_id)
 Acquiring the maximum number of buses. More...
CriSint32 criAtomExAsr_GetPcmDataFloat32 (CriSint32 output_channels, CriSint32 output_samples, CriFloat32 *output_buffer[])
 Get the PCM data. More...
CriSint32 criAtomExAsr_GetNumBufferedSamples (void)
 Get the amount of remaining PCM data. More...
void criAtomExAsr_SetPcmBufferSize (CriSint32 num_samples)
 Specifying the PCM buffer size. More...
CriSint32 criAtomExAsr_GetPcmBufferSize (void)
 Getting the PCM buffer size. More...
CriSint32 criAtomExAsrRack_GetPcmDataFloat32 (CriAtomExAsrRackId rack_id, CriSint32 output_channels, CriSint32 output_samples, CriFloat32 *output_buffer[])
 Acquiring the PCM data in the ASR rack. More...
CriSint32 criAtomExAsrRack_GetNumBufferedSamples (CriAtomExAsrRackId rack_id)
 Get the amount of remaining PCM data in the ASR rack. More...
CriBool criAtomExAsrRack_GetAmplitudeAnalyzerRms (CriAtomExAsrRackId rack_id, CriSint32 bus_no, CriFloat32 *rms, CriUint32 num_channels)
 Get analysis result of amplitude analyzer of specified bus. More...
CriBool criAtomExAsrRack_GetAmplitudeAnalyzerRmsByName (CriAtomExAsrRackId rack_id, const CriChar8 *bus_name, CriFloat32 *rms, CriUint32 num_channels)
 Get analysis result of amplitude analyzer of specified bus. More...
CriBool criAtomExAsrRack_GetCompressorGain (CriAtomExAsrRackId rack_id, CriSint32 bus_no, CriFloat32 *gain, CriUint32 num_channels)
 Get multiplication value of compressor of specified bus. More...
CriBool criAtomExAsrRack_GetCompressorGainByName (CriAtomExAsrRackId rack_id, const CriChar8 *bus_name, CriFloat32 *gain, CriUint32 num_channels)
 Get multiplication value of compressor of specified bus. More...
CriBool criAtomExAsrRack_GetCompressorRms (CriAtomExAsrRackId rack_id, CriSint32 bus_no, CriFloat32 *rms, CriUint32 num_channels)
 Get amplitude value of compressor of specified bus. More...
CriBool criAtomExAsrRack_GetCompressorRmsByName (CriAtomExAsrRackId rack_id, const CriChar8 *bus_name, CriFloat32 *rms, CriUint32 num_channels)
 Get amplitude value of compressor of specified bus. More...
CriBool criAtomExAsrRack_SetAisacControlById (CriAtomExAsrRackId rack_id, CriAtomExAisacControlId control_id, CriFloat32 control_value)
 Apply the value to the AISAC control of the specified ASR rack (specify the control ID) More...
CriBool criAtomExAsrRack_SetAisacControlByName (CriAtomExAsrRackId rack_id, const CriChar8 *control_name, CriFloat32 control_value)
 Apply the value to the AISAC control of the specified ASR rack (specify the control ID) More...
CriBool criAtomExAsrRack_GetAisacControlById (CriAtomExAsrRackId rack_id, CriAtomExAisacControlId control_id, CriFloat32 *control_value)
 Apply the value to the AISAC control of the specified ASR rack (specify the control ID) More...
CriBool criAtomExAsrRack_GetAisacControlByName (CriAtomExAsrRackId rack_id, const CriChar8 *control_name, CriFloat32 *control_value)
 Apply the value to the AISAC control of the specified ASR rack (specify the control ID) More...
CriAtomDeviceType criAtomExAsrRack_GetDeviceType (CriAtomExAsrRackId rack_id)
 Acquires the type of the output device of the specified ASR rack. More...
CriAtomExAsrRackId criAtomExAsrRack_GetAmbisonicRackId (void)
 Get ASR Rack ID for Ambisonics playback. More...
CriSint32 criAtomExAsrRack_CalculateWorkSizeForLevelMeter (CriAtomExAsrRackId rack_id, const CriAtomLevelMeterConfig *config)
 Work size calculation for ASR Rack specified level meter function. More...
void criAtomExAsrRack_AttachLevelMeter (CriAtomExAsrRackId rack_id, const CriAtomLevelMeterConfig *config, void *work, CriSint32 work_size)
 Added ASR Rack level meter function. More...
void criAtomExAsrRack_DetachLevelMeter (CriAtomExAsrRackId rack_id)
 Disable ASR Rack level meter function. More...
void criAtomExAsrRack_GetLevelInfo (CriAtomExAsrRackId rack_id, CriAtomLevelInfo *info)
 Get ASR Rack specification level information. More...
CriSint32 criAtomExAsrRack_CalculateWorkSizeForLoudnessMeter (CriAtomExAsrRackId rack_id, const CriAtomLoudnessMeterConfig *config)
 Calculation of work size for ASR Rack-specified loudness meter function. More...
void criAtomExAsrRack_AttachLoudnessMeter (CriAtomExAsrRackId rack_id, const CriAtomLoudnessMeterConfig *config, void *work, CriSint32 work_size)
 Added ASR Rack-specified loudness meter function. More...
void criAtomExAsrRack_DetachLoudnessMeter (CriAtomExAsrRackId rack_id)
 Disable the loudness meter function for the ASR rack. More...
void criAtomExAsrRack_GetLoudnessInfo (CriAtomExAsrRackId rack_id, CriAtomLoudnessInfo *info)
 Get ASR rack-specified loudness meter information. More...
void criAtomExAsrRack_ResetLoudnessMeter (CriAtomExAsrRackId rack_id)
 Reset the loudness meter specified for the ASR rack. More...
CriSint32 criAtomExAsrRack_CalculateWorkSizeForTruePeakMeter (CriAtomExAsrRackId rack_id, const CriAtomTruePeakMeterConfig *config)
 Calculates the work size for the ASR rack-specified true peak meter function. More...
void criAtomExAsrRack_AttachTruePeakMeter (CriAtomExAsrRackId rack_id, const CriAtomTruePeakMeterConfig *config, void *work, CriSint32 work_size)
 Adds true peak meter functionality for ASR racks. More...
void criAtomExAsrRack_DetachTruePeakMeter (CriAtomExAsrRackId rack_id)
 Disabling the ASR rack-specific true peak meter function. More...
void criAtomExAsrRack_GetTruePeakInfo (CriAtomExAsrRackId rack_id, CriAtomTruePeakInfo *info)
 Acquiring ASR rack-specific true peak information. More...
CriSint32 criAtomAsr_CalculateWorkSize (const CriAtomAsrConfig *config)
 Calculate work area size required for initializing ASR. More...
void criAtomAsr_Initialize (const CriAtomAsrConfig *config, void *work, CriSint32 work_size)
 Initialize ASR. More...
void criAtomAsr_Finalize (void)
 End ASR. More...
void criAtomExAsr_EnableBinauralizer (CriBool enabled)
 Enabling the Binauralizer. More...
CriBool criAtomExAsr_IsEnabledBinauralizer (void)
 Get binauralizer enabled state. More...
void criAtomExPlayer_AddOutputPort (CriAtomExPlayerHn player, CriAtomExOutputPortHn output_port)
 Adding the output port handle. More...
void criAtomExPlayer_RemoveOutputPort (CriAtomExPlayerHn player, CriAtomExOutputPortHn output_port)
 Removing an output port handle. More...
void criAtomExPlayer_ClearOutputPorts (CriAtomExPlayerHn player)
 Clearing the output port handles. More...
void criAtomExPlayer_AddPreferredOutputPort (CriAtomExPlayerHn player, CriAtomExOutputPortHn output_port)
 Assigning a prioritary output port handle. More...
void criAtomExPlayer_RemovePreferredOutputPort (CriAtomExPlayerHn player, CriAtomExOutputPortHn output_port)
 Removing the prioritary output port handle. More...
void criAtomExPlayer_RemovePreferredOutputPortByName (CriAtomExPlayerHn player, CriChar8 *name)
 Removing a prioritary output port handle by name. More...
void criAtomExPlayer_ClearPreferredOutputPorts (CriAtomExPlayerHn player)
 Clearing all the prioritary output port handles. More...
CriSint32 criAtomExOutputPort_CalculateWorkSize (const CriAtomExOutputPortConfig *config)
 Calculating the work area size for creating the output port handles. More...
CriAtomExOutputPortHn criAtomExOutputPort_Create (const CriAtomExOutputPortConfig *config, void *work, CriSint32 work_size)
 Creating an output port handle. More...
CriBool criAtomExOutputPort_IsDestroyable (CriAtomExOutputPortHn output_port)
 Discarding the output port handle. More...
void criAtomExOutputPort_Destroy (CriAtomExOutputPortHn output_port)
 Destroying an output port handle. More...
void criAtomExOutputPort_SetAsrRackId (CriAtomExOutputPortHn output_port, CriAtomExAsrRackId rack_id)
 Specifying the ASR rack ID. More...
void criAtomExOutputPort_SetVibrationChannelLevel (CriAtomExOutputPortHn output_port, CriSint32 channel, CriFloat32 level)
 Setting the channel level of the output port vibration type. More...
void criAtomExOutputPort_SetMonauralMix (CriAtomExOutputPortHn output_port, CriBool monaural_mix)
 With/Without monaural mix in the output port of vibration type. More...
void criAtomExOutputPort_IgnoreCategoryParametersById (CriAtomExOutputPortHn output_port_hn, CriAtomExCategoryId category_id, CriBool ignore_parameters)
 Specifies whether the output port ignores parameters of the specified category. More...
void criAtomExOutputPort_ResetIgnoreCategory (CriAtomExOutputPortHn output_port_hn)
 Reset the setting to ignore parameters of the specified category set for the output port. More...
CriSint32 criAtomEx_CalculateWorkSizeForUserPcmOutput (const CriAtomExConfigForUserPcmOutput *config)
 Calculate the size of the work area required for the user PCM output method. More...
void criAtomEx_InitializeForUserPcmOutput (const CriAtomExConfigForUserPcmOutput *config, void *work, CriSint32 work_size)
 Initialization of the user PCM output. More...
void criAtomEx_FinalizeForUserPcmOutput (void)
 End processing of user PCM output library. More...
CriAtomExAsrRackId criAtomExAsrRack_GetChannelBasedAudioRackId (void)
 Get ASR Rack ID for channel-based playback. More...
CriAtomExAsrRackId criAtomExAsrRack_GetObjectBasedAudioRackId (void)
 ObjectBasedAudio Get the ASR Rack ID for playback. More...
CriAtomExAsrRackId criAtomExAsrRack_GetPassThroughRackId (void)
 Get ASR Rack ID for pass-through Passthrough. More...
CriBool criAtomExAsr_RegisterSoundxRInterface (const void *soundxr_interface)
 Registering the SoundxR plugin interface. More...
void criAtomExAsr_SetDspParameter (CriSint32 bus_no, CriAtomExAsrDspId dsp_id, const void *parameter)
void criAtomExAsr_SetDspParameterByName (const CriChar8 *bus_name, CriAtomExAsrDspId dsp_id, const void *parameter)
void criAtomExAsr_GetDspParameter (CriSint32 bus_no, CriAtomExAsrDspId dsp_id, void *parameter_buf, CriSint32 parameter_size)
void criAtomExAsr_GetDspParameterByName (const CriChar8 *bus_name, CriAtomExAsrDspId dsp_id, void *parameter_buf, CriSint32 parameter_size)
void criAtomExAsr_SetDspBypass (CriSint32 bus_no, CriAtomExAsrDspId dsp_id, CriBool bypass)
void criAtomExAsr_SetDspBypassByName (const CriChar8 *bus_name, CriAtomExAsrDspId dsp_id, CriBool bypass)
void criAtomExAsr_SetBusVolume (CriSint32 bus_no, CriFloat32 volume)
void criAtomExAsr_GetBusVolume (CriSint32 bus_no, CriFloat32 *volume)
void criAtomExAsr_SetBusPan3d (CriSint32 bus_no, CriFloat32 pan3d_angle, CriFloat32 pan3d_distance, CriFloat32 pan3d_volume)
void criAtomExAsr_GetBusPan3d (CriSint32 bus_no, CriFloat32 *pan3d_angle, CriFloat32 *pan3d_distance, CriFloat32 *pan3d_volume)
void criAtomExAsr_SetBusPan3dByName (const CriChar8 *bus_name, CriFloat32 pan3d_angle, CriFloat32 pan3d_distance, CriFloat32 pan3d_volume)
void criAtomExAsr_GetBusPan3dByName (const CriChar8 *bus_name, CriFloat32 *pan3d_angle, CriFloat32 *pan3d_distance, CriFloat32 *pan3d_volume)
void criAtomExAsr_SetBusMatrix (CriSint32 bus_no, CriSint32 input_channels, CriSint32 output_channels, const CriFloat32 matrix[])
void criAtomExAsr_SetBusSendLevel (CriSint32 bus_no, CriSint32 sendto_no, CriFloat32 level)
void criAtomExAsr_AttachBusAnalyzer (CriSint32 bus_no, const CriAtomExAsrBusAnalyzerConfig *config)
void criAtomExAsr_DetachBusAnalyzer (CriSint32 bus_no)
void criAtomExAsr_GetBusAnalyzerInfo (CriSint32 bus_no, CriAtomExAsrBusAnalyzerInfo *info)
void criAtomExAsr_SetBusFilterCallback (CriSint32 bus_no, CriAtomExAsrBusFilterCbFunc pre_func, CriAtomExAsrBusFilterCbFunc post_func, void *obj)
void criAtomExAsrRack_SetDspParameter (CriAtomExAsrRackId rack_id, CriSint32 bus_no, CriAtomExAsrDspId dsp_id, const void *parameter)
void criAtomExAsrRack_SetDspParameterByName (CriAtomExAsrRackId rack_id, const CriChar8 *bus_name, CriAtomExAsrDspId dsp_id, const void *parameter)
void criAtomExAsrRack_GetDspParameter (CriAtomExAsrRackId rack_id, CriSint32 bus_no, CriAtomExAsrDspId dsp_id, void *parameter_buf, CriSint32 parameter_size)
void criAtomExAsrRack_GetDspParameterByName (CriAtomExAsrRackId rack_id, const CriChar8 *bus_name, CriAtomExAsrDspId dsp_id, void *parameter_buf, CriSint32 parameter_size)
void criAtomExAsrRack_SetDspBypass (CriAtomExAsrRackId rack_id, CriSint32 bus_no, CriAtomExAsrDspId dsp_id, CriBool bypass)
void criAtomExAsrRack_SetDspBypassByName (CriAtomExAsrRackId rack_id, const CriChar8 *bus_name, CriAtomExAsrDspId dsp_id, CriBool bypass)
void criAtomExAsrRack_SetBusVolume (CriAtomExAsrRackId rack_id, CriSint32 bus_no, CriFloat32 volume)
void criAtomExAsrRack_GetBusVolume (CriAtomExAsrRackId rack_id, CriSint32 bus_no, CriFloat32 *volume)
void criAtomExAsrRack_SetBusPan3d (CriAtomExAsrRackId rack_id, CriSint32 bus_no, CriFloat32 pan3d_angle, CriFloat32 pan3d_distance, CriFloat32 pan3d_volume)
void criAtomExAsrRack_GetBusPan3d (CriAtomExAsrRackId rack_id, CriSint32 bus_no, CriFloat32 *pan3d_angle, CriFloat32 *pan3d_distance, CriFloat32 *pan3d_volume)
void criAtomExAsrRack_SetBusPan3dByName (CriAtomExAsrRackId rack_id, const CriChar8 *bus_name, CriFloat32 pan3d_angle, CriFloat32 pan3d_distance, CriFloat32 pan3d_volume)
void criAtomExAsrRack_GetBusPan3dByName (CriAtomExAsrRackId rack_id, const CriChar8 *bus_name, CriFloat32 *pan3d_angle, CriFloat32 *pan3d_distance, CriFloat32 *pan3d_volume)
void criAtomExAsrRack_SetBusMatrix (CriAtomExAsrRackId rack_id, CriSint32 bus_no, CriSint32 input_channels, CriSint32 output_channels, const CriFloat32 matrix[])
void criAtomExAsrRack_SetBusSendLevel (CriAtomExAsrRackId rack_id, CriSint32 bus_no, CriSint32 sendto_no, CriFloat32 level)
void criAtomExAsrRack_AttachBusAnalyzer (CriAtomExAsrRackId rack_id, CriSint32 bus_no, const CriAtomExAsrBusAnalyzerConfig *config)
void criAtomExAsrRack_DetachBusAnalyzer (CriAtomExAsrRackId rack_id, CriSint32 bus_no)
void criAtomExAsrRack_GetBusAnalyzerInfo (CriAtomExAsrRackId rack_id, CriSint32 bus_no, CriAtomExAsrBusAnalyzerInfo *info)
void criAtomExAsrRack_SetBusFilterCallback (CriAtomExAsrRackId rack_id, CriSint32 bus_no, CriAtomExAsrBusFilterCbFunc pre_func, CriAtomExAsrBusFilterCbFunc post_func, void *obj)

Typedef Documentation

◆ CriAtomExAsrBusAnalyzerInfo

Level measurement information.

Structure used for acquiring the bus level measurement information.
This is used in the criAtomExAsr_GetBusAnalyzerInfo function.
Each level value is the scaling factor for the amplitude of the sound data (unit is not decibel).
The value can be converted into a decibel notation by using the following code.
dB = 10.0f * log10f(level);
See also

◆ CriAtomExAsrAfxInterfaceWithVersionPtr

typedef const struct CriAfxInterfaceWithVersionTag* CriAtomExAsrAfxInterfaceWithVersionPtr

Incomplete type of effect interface structure.

It is the argument type of the effect interface registration function.
See also
criAtomExAsr_RegisterEffectInterface, criAtomExAsr_UnregisterEffectInterface

Function Documentation

◆ criAtomExOutputPort_CalculateWorkSize()

CriSint32 criAtomExOutputPort_CalculateWorkSize ( const CriAtomExOutputPortConfig config)

Calculating the work area size for creating the output port handles.

[in]configConfiguration structure used to create output port handles
CriSint32 Work area size
Return values
0or above Normal processing completed
-1An error occurred
Calculates the size of the work area needed to create an output port handle.
If no allocator was registered with the criAtomEx_SetUserAllocator macro when creating an output port handle with the criAtomExOutputPort_Create function, it is necessary to pass a memory area of the size returned by this function as a parameter.

If the calculation of the work area size fails, this function returns -1.
For details about the reason why the calculation failed, refer to the error callback messages.
The data passed in the "config" structure is only referenced within this function. Therefore you can free the config area after executing the function.
The length of the name of the output port specified in CriAtomExOutputPortConfig::name must be less than or equal to CRIATOMEX_OUTPUT_PORT_MAX_NAME_LENGTH .
See also

◆ criAtomExOutputPort_Create()

CriAtomExOutputPortHn criAtomExOutputPort_Create ( const CriAtomExOutputPortConfig config,
void *  work,
CriSint32  work_size 

Creating an output port handle.

[in]configConfiguration structure used for ASR initialization
[in]workWork area
[in]work_sizeWork area size
CriAtomExOutputPortHn Output port handle
Creates the output port handle.
The Voice that was assigned a specific output port will be played via the ASR rack associated with that output port.
When the ACF file is registered with the criAtomEx_RegisterAcfFile function, the output port handle set in the ACF file will be automatically created. Therefore, it is not necessary to create a new one with this function.
The output port handle set in the ACF file can be obtained by calling the criAtomExAcf_GetOutputPortHnByName function.
Therefore, calls this function to assign a new output port handle to the application.
The data passed in the "config" structure is only referenced within this function. Therefore you can free the config area after executing the function.
If this function is successful, it returns the output port handle that was created. If it fails, it returns NULL.
The type of the output port handle created by this function depends on the type specified by CriAtomExOutputPortConfig::type . The following ASR rack IDs are set by default:
    Be sure to set an appropriate ASR rack with the criAtomExOutputPort_SetAsrRackId function before using the output port handle.
See also
criAtomExOutputPort_Destroy, criAtomExAcf_GetOutputPortHnByName, criAtomExPlayer_AddOutputPort, criAtomExPlayer_AddPreferredOutputPort

◆ criAtomExOutputPort_IsDestroyable()

CriBool criAtomExOutputPort_IsDestroyable ( CriAtomExOutputPortHn  output_port)

Discarding the output port handle.

[in]output_portOutput port handle
CriBool Can it be discarded? (CRI_TRUE = possible, CRI_FALSE = not possible)
An output port handle that has been added to a player using the criAtomExPlayer_AddOutputPort or criAtomExPlayer_AddPreferredOutputPort function cannot be discarded.
Remove it from the player using the criAtomExPlayer_RemoveOutputPort or criAtomExPlayer_RemovePreferredOutputPort function before discarding it.
Also, output port handles in ACF created from ACF file information cannot be discarded.
See also

◆ criAtomExOutputPort_Destroy()

void criAtomExOutputPort_Destroy ( CriAtomExOutputPortHn  output_port)

Destroying an output port handle.

[in]output_portOutput port handle
Discards the output port handle.
You can check whether the handle can be destroyed by using the criAtomExOutputPort_IsDestroyable function.
See also
criAtomExOutputPort_Create, criAtomExOutputPort_IsDestroyable

◆ criAtomExOutputPort_SetAsrRackId()

void criAtomExOutputPort_SetAsrRackId ( CriAtomExOutputPortHn  output_port,
CriAtomExAsrRackId  rack_id 

Specifying the ASR rack ID.

[in]output_portOutput port handle
[in]rack_idASR rack ID
Specifies the ASR rack in the output port.
The Voice that was assigned a specific output port will be played via the ASR rack associated with that output port.
Uses this function to assign the right ASR rack to the output port handle created when registering the ACF file, or to the output port handle created by the criAtomExOutputPort_Create function.
Depending on the type of the output port, there may be restrictions on the ASR racks that can be specified. For details, refer to the manual.
Current playback will not be affected when the ASR rack ID of the output port is changed by this function.
See also
criAtomExOutputPort_Create, criAtomExAcf_GetOutputPortHnByName

◆ criAtomExOutputPort_SetVibrationChannelLevel()

void criAtomExOutputPort_SetVibrationChannelLevel ( CriAtomExOutputPortHn  output_port,
CriSint32  channel,
CriFloat32  level 

Setting the channel level of the output port vibration type.

[in]output_portOutput port handle
[in]channelChannel index (0 = L, 1 = R)
[in]levelLevel (0 ~ 2.0)
Sets the output level to each channel of the vibration device (when the output port is of the vibration type).
An output port of vibration type operates on 2 channels. If the final output device is monaural, a -3dB downmix is applied. The value set by this function will be reflected immediately even during the audio playback.
See also

◆ criAtomExOutputPort_SetMonauralMix()

void criAtomExOutputPort_SetMonauralMix ( CriAtomExOutputPortHn  output_port,
CriBool  monaural_mix 

With/Without monaural mix in the output port of vibration type.

[in]output_portOutput port handle
[in]monaural_mixWith or without monaural mix (CRI_TRUE = with, CRI_FALSE = without)
An output port of vibration type operates on 2 channels. If the input Voice is stereo (or has more channels), or if it has 3D panning, the result will be transmitted to the left and right channels of the vibration device. When monaural mix is enabled, this behavior can be overridden by downmixing to monaural before outputting to the vibrating device. You can also use the criAtomExOutputPort_SetVibrationChannelLevel function to set the level sent to the vibration device after a monaural mix.
The value sets by this function will be reflected immediately even during the audio playback.
See also

◆ criAtomExOutputPort_IgnoreCategoryParametersById()

void criAtomExOutputPort_IgnoreCategoryParametersById ( CriAtomExOutputPortHn  output_port_hn,
CriAtomExCategoryId  category_id,
CriBool  ignore_parameters 

Specifies whether the output port ignores parameters of the specified category.

[in]output_port_hnOutput port handle
[in]category_idCategory ID
[in]ignore_parametersIgnore setting parameter (CRI_TRUE: ignore, CRI_FALSE: do not ignore)
Specifies whether to ignore the category ID parameter specified for the output port.
You can eliminate the influence of categories by ignoring the category ID parameter specified for the output port. You can also specify the same category ID and change whether or not to ignore a category.
A maximum of four categories can be set. If four categories are set and this function is executed, a warning will occur and no processing will be performed.
This function will reflect the settings during playback.
See also
criAtomExOutputPort_Create, criAtomExAcf_GetOutputPortHnByName

◆ criAtomExOutputPort_ResetIgnoreCategory()

void criAtomExOutputPort_ResetIgnoreCategory ( CriAtomExOutputPortHn  output_port_hn)

Reset the setting to ignore parameters of the specified category set for the output port.

[in]output_port_hnOutput port handle
Resets the setting for ignoring parameters of the specified category set for the output port.
Resets all settings that ignore parameters of the specified category ID for the output port.
The number of categories set is also reset, so you can specify a new category and set the parameters of that category to be ignored.
The settings made by this function are reflected during playback.
See also
criAtomExOutputPort_Create, criAtomExOutputPort_IgnoreCategoryParametersById

◆ criAtomExAsr_SetDspParameter()

void criAtomExAsr_SetDspParameter ( CriSint32  bus_no,
CriAtomExAsrDspId  dsp_id,
const void *  parameter 
This is a deprecated API that will be removed. When you call this, an error callback is returned. Consider using criAtomExAsr_SetEffectParameter function.

◆ criAtomExAsr_SetDspParameterByName()

void criAtomExAsr_SetDspParameterByName ( const CriChar8 *  bus_name,
CriAtomExAsrDspId  dsp_id,
const void *  parameter 
This is a deprecated API that will be removed. When you call this, an error callback is returned. Consider using criAtomExAsr_SetEffectParameter function.

◆ criAtomExAsr_GetDspParameter()

void criAtomExAsr_GetDspParameter ( CriSint32  bus_no,
CriAtomExAsrDspId  dsp_id,
void *  parameter_buf,
CriSint32  parameter_size 
This is a deprecated API that will be removed. When you call this, an error callback is returned. Consider using criAtomExAsr_GetEffectParameter function.

◆ criAtomExAsr_GetDspParameterByName()

void criAtomExAsr_GetDspParameterByName ( const CriChar8 *  bus_name,
CriAtomExAsrDspId  dsp_id,
void *  parameter_buf,
CriSint32  parameter_size 
This is a deprecated API that will be removed. When you call this, an error callback is returned. Consider using criAtomExAsr_GetEffectParameter function.

◆ criAtomExAsr_SetDspBypass()

void criAtomExAsr_SetDspBypass ( CriSint32  bus_no,
CriAtomExAsrDspId  dsp_id,
CriBool  bypass 
This is a deprecated API that will be removed. When you call this, an error callback is returned. Consider using criAtomExAsrRack_SetEffectBypass function.

◆ criAtomExAsr_SetDspBypassByName()

void criAtomExAsr_SetDspBypassByName ( const CriChar8 *  bus_name,
CriAtomExAsrDspId  dsp_id,
CriBool  bypass 
This is a deprecated API that will be removed. When you call this, generate a warning but processing will be done. Consider using criAtomExAsrRack_SetEffectBypass function.

◆ criAtomExAsr_SetBusVolume()

void criAtomExAsr_SetBusVolume ( CriSint32  bus_no,
CriFloat32  volume 
This is a deprecated API that will be removed. Consider using criAtomExAsr_SetBusVolumeByName function.

◆ criAtomExAsr_GetBusVolume()

void criAtomExAsr_GetBusVolume ( CriSint32  bus_no,
CriFloat32 *  volume 
This is a deprecated API that will be removed. Consider using criAtomExAsr_GetBusVolumeByName function.

◆ criAtomExAsr_SetBusPan3d()

void criAtomExAsr_SetBusPan3d ( CriSint32  bus_no,
CriFloat32  pan3d_angle,
CriFloat32  pan3d_distance,
CriFloat32  pan3d_volume 
This is a deprecated API that will be removed. Consider using criAtomExAsr_SetBusPanInfoByName function.

◆ criAtomExAsr_GetBusPan3d()

void criAtomExAsr_GetBusPan3d ( CriSint32  bus_no,
CriFloat32 *  pan3d_angle,
CriFloat32 *  pan3d_distance,
CriFloat32 *  pan3d_volume 
This is a deprecated API that will be removed. Consider using criAtomExAsr_GetBusPanInfoByName function.

◆ criAtomExAsr_SetBusPan3dByName()

void criAtomExAsr_SetBusPan3dByName ( const CriChar8 *  bus_name,
CriFloat32  pan3d_angle,
CriFloat32  pan3d_distance,
CriFloat32  pan3d_volume 
This is a deprecated API that will be removed. Consider using criAtomExAsr_SetBusPanInfoByName function.

◆ criAtomExAsr_GetBusPan3dByName()

void criAtomExAsr_GetBusPan3dByName ( const CriChar8 *  bus_name,
CriFloat32 *  pan3d_angle,
CriFloat32 *  pan3d_distance,
CriFloat32 *  pan3d_volume 
This is a deprecated API that will be removed. Consider using criAtomExAsr_GetBusPanInfoByName function.

◆ criAtomExAsr_SetBusMatrix()

void criAtomExAsr_SetBusMatrix ( CriSint32  bus_no,
CriSint32  input_channels,
CriSint32  output_channels,
const CriFloat32  matrix[] 
This is a deprecated API that will be removed. Consider using criAtomExAsr_SetBusMatrixByName function.

◆ criAtomExAsr_SetBusSendLevel()

void criAtomExAsr_SetBusSendLevel ( CriSint32  bus_no,
CriSint32  sendto_no,
CriFloat32  level 
This is a deprecated API that will be removed. Consider using criAtomExAsr_SetBusSendLevelByName function.

◆ criAtomExAsr_AttachBusAnalyzer()

void criAtomExAsr_AttachBusAnalyzer ( CriSint32  bus_no,
const CriAtomExAsrBusAnalyzerConfig config 
This is a deprecated API that will be removed. Consider using criAtomExAsr_AttachBusAnalyzerByName function.

◆ criAtomExAsr_DetachBusAnalyzer()

void criAtomExAsr_DetachBusAnalyzer ( CriSint32  bus_no)
This is a deprecated API that will be removed. Consider using criAtomExAsr_DetachBusAnalyzerByName function.

◆ criAtomExAsr_GetBusAnalyzerInfo()

void criAtomExAsr_GetBusAnalyzerInfo ( CriSint32  bus_no,
CriAtomExAsrBusAnalyzerInfo info 
This is a deprecated API that will be removed. Consider using criAtomExAsr_GetBusAnalyzerInfoByName function.

◆ criAtomExAsr_SetBusFilterCallback()

void criAtomExAsr_SetBusFilterCallback ( CriSint32  bus_no,
CriAtomExAsrBusFilterCbFunc  pre_func,
CriAtomExAsrBusFilterCbFunc  post_func,
void *  obj 
This is a deprecated API that will be removed. Consider using criAtomExAsr_SetBusFilterCallbackByName function.

◆ criAtomExAsrRack_SetDspParameter()

void criAtomExAsrRack_SetDspParameter ( CriAtomExAsrRackId  rack_id,
CriSint32  bus_no,
CriAtomExAsrDspId  dsp_id,
const void *  parameter 
This is a deprecated API that will be removed. When you call this, an error callback is returned. Consider using criAtomExAsrRack_SetEffectParameter function.

◆ criAtomExAsrRack_SetDspParameterByName()

void criAtomExAsrRack_SetDspParameterByName ( CriAtomExAsrRackId  rack_id,
const CriChar8 *  bus_name,
CriAtomExAsrDspId  dsp_id,
const void *  parameter 
This is a deprecated API that will be removed. When you call this, an error callback is returned. Consider using criAtomExAsrRack_SetEffectParameter function.

◆ criAtomExAsrRack_GetDspParameter()

void criAtomExAsrRack_GetDspParameter ( CriAtomExAsrRackId  rack_id,
CriSint32  bus_no,
CriAtomExAsrDspId  dsp_id,
void *  parameter_buf,
CriSint32  parameter_size 
This is a deprecated API that will be removed. When you call this, an error callback is returned. Consider using criAtomExAsrRack_GetEffectParameter function.

◆ criAtomExAsrRack_GetDspParameterByName()

void criAtomExAsrRack_GetDspParameterByName ( CriAtomExAsrRackId  rack_id,
const CriChar8 *  bus_name,
CriAtomExAsrDspId  dsp_id,
void *  parameter_buf,
CriSint32  parameter_size 
This is a deprecated API that will be removed. When you call this, an error callback is returned. Consider using criAtomExAsrRack_GetEffectParameter function.

◆ criAtomExAsrRack_SetDspBypass()

void criAtomExAsrRack_SetDspBypass ( CriAtomExAsrRackId  rack_id,
CriSint32  bus_no,
CriAtomExAsrDspId  dsp_id,
CriBool  bypass 
This is a deprecated API that will be removed. When you call this, an error callback is returned. Consider using criAtomExAsrRack_SetEffectBypass function.

◆ criAtomExAsrRack_SetDspBypassByName()

void criAtomExAsrRack_SetDspBypassByName ( CriAtomExAsrRackId  rack_id,
const CriChar8 *  bus_name,
CriAtomExAsrDspId  dsp_id,
CriBool  bypass 
This is a deprecated API that will be removed. When you call this, generate a warning but processing will be done. Consider using criAtomExAsrRack_SetEffectBypass function.

◆ criAtomExAsrRack_SetBusVolume()

void criAtomExAsrRack_SetBusVolume ( CriAtomExAsrRackId  rack_id,
CriSint32  bus_no,
CriFloat32  volume 
This is a deprecated API that will be removed. Consider using criAtomExAsrRack_SetBusVolumeByName function.

◆ criAtomExAsrRack_GetBusVolume()

void criAtomExAsrRack_GetBusVolume ( CriAtomExAsrRackId  rack_id,
CriSint32  bus_no,
CriFloat32 *  volume 
This is a deprecated API that will be removed. Consider using criAtomExAsrRack_GetBusVolumeByName function.

◆ criAtomExAsrRack_SetBusPan3d()

void criAtomExAsrRack_SetBusPan3d ( CriAtomExAsrRackId  rack_id,
CriSint32  bus_no,
CriFloat32  pan3d_angle,
CriFloat32  pan3d_distance,
CriFloat32  pan3d_volume 
This is a deprecated API that will be removed. Consider using criAtomExAsrRack_SetBusPanInfoByName function.

◆ criAtomExAsrRack_GetBusPan3d()

void criAtomExAsrRack_GetBusPan3d ( CriAtomExAsrRackId  rack_id,
CriSint32  bus_no,
CriFloat32 *  pan3d_angle,
CriFloat32 *  pan3d_distance,
CriFloat32 *  pan3d_volume 
This is a deprecated API that will be removed. Consider using criAtomExAsrRack_GetBusPanInfoByName function.

◆ criAtomExAsrRack_SetBusPan3dByName()

void criAtomExAsrRack_SetBusPan3dByName ( CriAtomExAsrRackId  rack_id,
const CriChar8 *  bus_name,
CriFloat32  pan3d_angle,
CriFloat32  pan3d_distance,
CriFloat32  pan3d_volume 
This is a deprecated API that will be removed. Consider using criAtomExAsrRack_SetBusPanInfoByName function.

◆ criAtomExAsrRack_GetBusPan3dByName()

void criAtomExAsrRack_GetBusPan3dByName ( CriAtomExAsrRackId  rack_id,
const CriChar8 *  bus_name,
CriFloat32 *  pan3d_angle,
CriFloat32 *  pan3d_distance,
CriFloat32 *  pan3d_volume 
This is a deprecated API that will be removed. Consider using criAtomExAsrRack_GetBusPanInfoByName function.

◆ criAtomExAsrRack_SetBusMatrix()

void criAtomExAsrRack_SetBusMatrix ( CriAtomExAsrRackId  rack_id,
CriSint32  bus_no,
CriSint32  input_channels,
CriSint32  output_channels,
const CriFloat32  matrix[] 
This is a deprecated API that will be removed. Consider using criAtomExAsrRack_SetBusMatrixByName function.

◆ criAtomExAsrRack_SetBusSendLevel()

void criAtomExAsrRack_SetBusSendLevel ( CriAtomExAsrRackId  rack_id,
CriSint32  bus_no,
CriSint32  sendto_no,
CriFloat32  level 
This is a deprecated API that will be removed. Consider using criAtomExAsrRack_SetBusSendLevelByName function.

◆ criAtomExAsrRack_AttachBusAnalyzer()

void criAtomExAsrRack_AttachBusAnalyzer ( CriAtomExAsrRackId  rack_id,
CriSint32  bus_no,
const CriAtomExAsrBusAnalyzerConfig config 
This is a deprecated API that will be removed. Consider using criAtomExAsrRack_AttachBusAnalyzerByName function.

◆ criAtomExAsrRack_DetachBusAnalyzer()

void criAtomExAsrRack_DetachBusAnalyzer ( CriAtomExAsrRackId  rack_id,
CriSint32  bus_no 
This is a deprecated API that will be removed. Consider using criAtomExAsrRack_DetachBusAnalyzerByName function.

◆ criAtomExAsrRack_GetBusAnalyzerInfo()

void criAtomExAsrRack_GetBusAnalyzerInfo ( CriAtomExAsrRackId  rack_id,
CriSint32  bus_no,
CriAtomExAsrBusAnalyzerInfo info 
This is a deprecated API that will be removed. Consider using criAtomExAsrRack_GetBusAnalyzerInfoByName function.

◆ criAtomExAsrRack_SetBusFilterCallback()

void criAtomExAsrRack_SetBusFilterCallback ( CriAtomExAsrRackId  rack_id,
CriSint32  bus_no,
CriAtomExAsrBusFilterCbFunc  pre_func,
CriAtomExAsrBusFilterCbFunc  post_func,
void *  obj 
This is a deprecated API that will be removed. Consider using criAtomExAsrRack_SetBusFilterCallbackByName function.