For Consumer games / Steam / Arcade games

For customers who post a logo on a PlayStation®5 title to receive a display discount

On PlayStation®5, the advertisement loop may be displayed only at the first startup.
In that case, we will ask you to include it in the credits, etc. in addition to the advertising loop. Please see the regulations below for details.

For customers selling titles that only use CRI LipSync

If only CRI LipSync is used, please be sure to post regardless of platform or sales format.

This regulation is for titles using middleware products for corporations.

Where to display the logo and how to use it

(including DL purchase)
DL exclusive
Only CRI LipSync is used
(regardless of platform or sales format)
Advertising loop Optional *1 *2 Required to display
Package printing Optional *2 - Required to display
Credit Optional *1 Promotional media
Promotional media
(Official WEB/PV etc.)
  • *1 Please check the notes in the margin when using on PlayStation®5.
  • *2 Discounts available depending on display.

When posting a logo to receive a discount on PlayStation®5​​

On PlayStation®5, if the advertisement loop is only displayed during the initial game launch and not on subsequent launches, please ensure to include the logo on the game screen, specifically during the advertising loop and in the credits.

If for some reason you are unable to display your logo on the advertising loop or credits, or if you would like to display it somewhere other than the credits, please contact us individually.​

Advertising loop

(1) Display Locations

It must be located within the advertising loop in a location that users will have no trouble seeing.
If you do not have an advertising loop, please contact your CRI sales representative or use the inquiry form.

(2) Display time

It must be displayed in a stationary state for two seconds (not including the fade-in and fade-out time.)

*The choice to skip the display may be included in accordance with user operations.

(3) Regarding simultaneous display with another company's logo

Generally, we ask that only a single CRIWARE logo be displayed, but it is also possible to display it together with another company's logo. Please use sticker type for logo data.

(4) Logo Data for Displaying on Game Screens

Logo data is prepared for various usage scenarios such as screen mode.
Use the logo data that best suits the model, resolution (screen mode) and Video format (pixel aspect ratio) for each game. Note that the logo data must not be modified under any circumstances.
Contact the number listed for Inquiries if you have any queries or comments.Details on the method of acquiring logo data and other information are provided in "Acquiring Logo Data".

(5) Display examples

Recommended (full screen single display on white background)

If you wish to use the logo in any of the following ways, such as a monochrome logo or no white background, please contact your CRI sales representative or use the inquiry form.

(6) Examples of Mistaken Usage

The logo data must not be modified under any circumstances. Some examples of mistaken usage are shown below.

  • Logos used with the wrong resolution
  • Deforming the logo
  • Changing the color of the logo (*1)
  • Wrong logo position
  • Logo enlarged or reduced in size
  • Deleting elements of the logo

*1 If the purpose is to ensure accessibility such as color vision support, there is no problem even if the color tone changes.


(1) Displaying Logo

Please display your sticker-type logo anywhere on your credits or license page.
You can change the color to suit the mood of the credits, such as monochrome or sepia.
Please download the logo data from "Acquiring logo data".

(2) Displaying Copyright Notice

Copyright notation is optional. (This is not a substitute for logo display.)
You can choose either Japanese or English. For regions other than Japan, please enter the English version.

Language Contents
日本語 このソフトウェアには、(株)CRI・ミドルウェアの「CRIWARE」が使用されています。
英語 Powered by "CRIWARE".CRIWARE is a trademark of CRI Middleware Co., Ltd.

Package printing

(1) Color

The CRIWARE logo consists of the color settings shown below.

(2) Printing Size

Ensure that the logo is printed with a size of 9mm x 9mm.
There is no need to adjust the size if the logo data (EPS format) is used without modification.

Plase note that game packages for consumer game consoles may be printed at a size that complies with the platform vendor's regulations.

(3) Printing Location

Ensure that the logo is printed on back cards, etc., in a location that is clearly visible when the product is completely packaged.

(4) Example of Usage

The inside of the frame (including the frame itself and all white background areas) must not be modified under any circumstances.
However, we have no objections regarding how the yellow area outside of the frame is used.

Promotional media (official website/PV, etc.)

Please note: Displaying the logo is not mandatory.

Logo display and copyright notice are optional and can be chosen freely. (It is not a substitute for advertising loops or posting in packages.)

(1) Displaying logo

Please display the sticker-type logo anywhere on the official website, PV, etc.
You can change the color to suit the mood of the credits, such as monochrome or sepia.
Please download the logo data from "Acquiring logo data".

(2) Displaying Copyright Notice

You can choose either Japanese or English. For regions other than Japan, please enter the English version.

Language Contents
日本語 このソフトウェアには、(株)CRI・ミドルウェアの「CRIWARE」が使用されています。
英語 Powered by "CRIWARE".CRIWARE is a trademark of CRI Middleware Co., Ltd.

Acquiring logo data

CRIWARE logo data is available for various resolutions (screen modes).
Even a single game console has screen modes with different resolutions, so please use the most appropriate data.

Logo data is named according to the naming rules below.

List of logo data for game screen display

We recommend displaying CRI on a white background. (The zip file contains images for white background and black background)
We can also provide logo data for movie materials. Please apply using the inquiry form.
If you would like to use a logo other than those listed below, please contact us individually.

Download by resolution

No Resolution Platform Logo data
1 1280*720
  • PlayStation®4
  • Xbox® One
  • Nu™
  • Nintendo Switch™
2 1280*768
  • PC
3 1920*1080
  • PlayStation®4
  • Xbox® One
  • Nu™
  • Nintendo Switch™
4 3840*2160
  • Xbox Series X/S
  • PlayStation®5
  • PlayStation®4 Pro

Downloads for each platform

No Platform Resolution Logo data
1 Xbox Series X/S 3840*2160
2 PlayStation®5 3840*2160
3 Nintendo Switch™ 1280*720, 1920*1080
4 Xbox® One 1280*720, 1920*1080
5 PlayStation®4 Pro 3840*2160
6 PlayStation®4 1280*720, 1920*1080
7 PC/Arcade 1280*768

List of logo data for package printing

Logo data is provided in EPS format (Adobe Illustrator CS or higher). Please use without modification.

List of logo data for credit/promotional media

Logo data is provided in PNG format. It is acceptable to change the format (PVRTC compression, DXT compression, etc.)
However, please display the logo while maintaining the color and shape (aspect ratio).


If you have any questions about logo display or would like to display something other than the regulations, please contact us using the inquiry form below.