CRIWARE Unity Plugin Manual  Last Updated: 2024-07-12
CRI Lips Integration


namespace  CriWare


class  CriLipsMorphAnimatorWidthHeight
 Class for morphing with Animator (mouth shape information) More...
class  CriLipsMorphAnimatorJapaneseVowel
 Class for morphing with Animator (Japanese 5 vowel morph target blend amounts) More...
class  CriLipsMorphAnimatorOpenInfo
 Class for morphing with Animator (1-dimensional) More...
class  CriLipsMorphBlendShapeWidthHeight
 This is the class used for morphing with blend shapes (using mouth shape information) More...
class  CriLipsMorphBlendShapeJapaneseVowel
 This is the class used for morphing with blend shapes (using blend amounts of the Japanese 5-vowels morph targets) More...
class  CriLipsMorphBlendShapeOpenInfo
 Class for morphing with BlendShape (1-dimensional) More...
interface  ICriLipsMorph
 Interface for the module using the LipSync analysis results More...
interface  ICriLipsAnalyzeModule
 ADX LipSync analysis module interface. More...
class  CriLipsAtomPlugin
 Global class of the LipsAtom library. More...

Detailed Description

This is an extension of CRI Lips that can be called from C# .