New Features of CRI Atom Craft

To compare with the features of version 2, please refer to Differences with the V2 and the V3 .

CRI Atom Craft Ver.3.52.00 New features

Sound xR support

Support Yamaha fs "Sound xR" for virtual 3D sound on regular earphones/headphones.

For details, please refer to Software Binauralizer .

Updated 3D audio features

The following playback methods are now supported:

Bus Snapshot support

This feature allows to apply Snapshots to individual buses.


Bus snapshots can also be combined.

Therefore, you do not need to prepare a multitude of snapshots for each situation.
This makes it easier to manage the projects with effects.

For details, please refer to:

UI improvements

The updates include:

  • All
    • Changed the color scheme to dark theme
    • All icons
  • Toolbar
    • Added "Preview Mixer" and "Preview Speaker Settings"
    • Removed "New Project" and "Open Project"
  • Tree
    • Added "Row magnification" to the toolbar
    • Changed the colors from background highlight to icon display (left)
  • Mixer
    • Updated the whole UI design
    • Added dB display to the Volume slider

CRI Atom Craft Ver.3.50.00 New features

Parameter-triggered Action

Parameter-triggered Action is used to trigger an Action in a Cue when the value of a parameter meets a certain criteria.

For instance, "Play the Cue when the value of the AISAC controller is 0.5 or less".


Stop Action

Stop Action is the Action used to automatically trigger an event when a Cue is stopped.

For instance, "when the elevator stops, play the arrival sound".


3D audio effect support

Waveforms in the formats listed below can now be used as input Materials.
Binaural preview is also available via the CriSpatializer.

Control of Sequence Start Markers via a Selector

A Start Marker can now be specified by using a Selector.

Sequence Start Marker


Multiple BeatSync Tracks

Multiple BeatSync Tracks can now be created (instead of only one before).

BeatSync can now be performed differently on a BeatSync Track basis. A BeatSync Track is linked to the right sync target Action using BeatSync Label .


Work Unit hierarchy

Divide work units into folders is available.

Used to only display the Work Units you are editing (especially useful when working as part of a large team).

CRI Atom Craft Ver.3.48.00 New features

Displaying multiple Tree views


It is possible to display Project Tree , Work Unit Tree , and Materials Tree simultaneously.
This feature can be used for:

Checking and comparing objects belonging to the same tree

It is possible to view as many objects as they are trees, to easily check and compare them.
For example, if a Cue Sheet contains many Cues and some of them are not visible, it is still possible to display the first and last Cues side by side in different trees.

Reducing vertical scrolling and editing operations

The need for vertical scrolling can be reduced (e.g. when moving or copying objects).
Objects can also be dragged and dropped from one tree to the other.
This makes it easier to create Cue links between Cues that are far apart in the hierarchy.

For further details, please refer to the "Adding/Deleting Tree Views" section of Multiple view of trees .

Pinned Views

Previously, selecting an object in a tree or list would toggle the contents of other views.
Starting with this update, it is possible to pin the content displayed via the new "Link Mode" feature.

For further details, refer to "Link mode to View" section in Multiple view of trees .

Playback of the original audio file

Supports the playback of the original audio of the Materials.
This makes it easier to compare the original audio with the encoded one.

For details, refer to Original sound playback .

CRI Atom Craft Ver.3.47.00 New features

Output Port function

  • Output port
  • With this feature, the application can easily manage the output destination of a playing track.

Updates of CRI Atom Craft Robot

With this update, it is possible to acquire and output the profiler logs from the command line version of CRI Atom Craft.

Update of the "Surrounder" effect

  • Surrounder is now a custom effect plugin.
  • A 3-band equalizer has been added to the front/surround of the Surrounder.

Update of the "I3DL2 Reverb" effect

Added I3DL2 reverb version 2. The parameters of the algorithm used in version 2 match more closely the parameters of the I3DL2 standard. However, you can adjust the settings if you wish to use version 2 for these projects.

Marker duplication support

Marker duplication can be used below:

  • Sequence Loop
  • Sequence Start
  • Callback

CRI Atom Craft Ver.3.46.04 New features

Update of CRI Atom Craft Robot

These new functions have been added:
They support the existing Robot functions.

For details, refer to About the CRI Atom Craft Robot .

CRI Atom Craft Ver.3.46.00 New features

Update of CRI Atom Craft Robot

For details, refer to About the CRI Atom Craft Robot .

Improvements of the behavior of CRI Atom Craft for macOS

  • Fixed a bug where the layout was broken and the GUI could not be displayed correctly in the VST3 versions of the effect plug-ins.
  • Fixed a bug occurring when each pane was made into a floating window: the window was always brought to the foreground, which interfered with other applications.

CRI Atom Craft Ver.3.45.00 New features

Custom effect plugins for "Compressor" and "Limiter"

The Compressor and Limiter are available as custom effect plugins.

Visualizing how the effect is applied during preview makes it easier to adjust its parameters.


For details, refer to ASR Custom Effects Plugin .


Bus parameter operation is compatible with AISAC, and parameters can now be controlled in real-time.

The Bus parameters that can be controlled by the Mixer AISAC are:

  • Volume
  • Pan angle
  • Send level to other Bus(es)
  • Bus Spread

For details, refer to Mixer AISAC .

Improved the sound quality of the HCA codec

For the HCA codec, the sound quality has been improved while keeping the same compression ratio.
The target is game data created in CRI Atom Craft Ver.3.45.00, CRI Atom Encoder Ver.3.00.06 or higher.
However, the decoding load has increased slightly.
The library can also play back data encoded before this improvement.

When building a binary Cue Sheet, the Materials using the HCA codec are re-encoded to benefit from the improved sound quality. Therefore, when updating CRI Atom Craft from a previous version, the ACB/AWB files will be different due to the re-encoding, even if the settings of the Cue Sheet have not been changed.

Update of CRI Atom Craft Robot

  • Scripts can be executed from the right-click menu of the Tree or List Editor.
  • Supports the display of the dialog for confirmation use ( show_dialog ) , and it is possible to perform branch processing with "Yes", "No", etc. during script execution.
  • Can get the actual value set to the "Stream type", "Encoding codec", and "Encoding Quality" parameters of the Materials and Material folders using get_actual_value .
  • get_script_argument can be used to get the arguments passed via the command line (when executing a script from the console tool).

For details, refer to About the CRI Atom Craft Robot .

CRI Atom Craft Ver.3.44.20 New features

Support Nuendo "Game Audio Connect"

You can use Nuendo's "Game Audio Connect" function to seamlessly connect CRI Atom Craft with Nuendo, which allows for audio assets to be easily transferred to our middleware.

  1. Audio files can be directly exported from Nuendo to CRI Atom Craft, without requiring any extra step.
    This reduces the workload when exchanging data between the two applications.
  2. The Nuendo project from which the registered audio files originated can be opened from CRI Atom Craft.
    The target Nuendo project can be opened in just one step, saving you the time of searching through your projects.

For details, refer to Integration with Nuendo .

CRI Atom Craft Ver.3.44.18 New features

CRI Atom Craft Robot

CRI Atom Craft Robot is a feature that helps reducing human error and time-consuming work by automating tasks, e.g., registering a large number of sound files in CRI Atom Craft, batch-changing the settings of the registered sound data, etc... For example, you can use the Robot feature to do the following:

  • Automatically import audio files
  • Automatically edit a large amount of data
  • Create error-free additional distribution data
  • Generate sound data using external files such as CSV files
  • Integrate with external applications such as DAWs and game engines

The CRI Atom Craft Robot feature contributes to reducing the workload of sound designers, simplifying data creation for managed games, and improving sound production workflows.

For details, refer to About the CRI Atom Craft Robot .

CRI Atom Craft Ver.3.44.00 New features

Custom effect plugins for "32-Bands EQ" and "Matrix"

32-Bands Equalizer, Matrix are custom effects plugins.
With the custom effect plug-ins, you can now do the following:

  • Edit parameters via the GUI
  • Use the A/B comparison button for plug-in parameters
  • Visualize the applied sound effect

For details, refer to ASR Custom Effects Plugin .


Up and down direction of sound source using AISAC

Added AISAC linked to sound source vertical directions (angle of elevation and angle of depression) at Set Cue : Listener-relative elevation AISAC control, Sound Source-relative elevation AISAC control.

For details, refer to 3D Positioning .

Cue Pan type management settings

Added a Pan type parameter to set the pan type (Pan / 3D positioning) at the Cue level.
The pan type of a newly added Waveform Region will inherit from the Cue's pan type.
You can change the settings of each individual Waveform Region to overwrite the Cue settings.

Cue Playback control by distance

Added the "Cue Priority Short Distance Priority" flag for playback priority based on distance to the Category Cue limit item.
When set to "True", you can stop the Cue according to the Cue limit, and select the farthest distance with the Pan type of the Cue with the lowest priority as "3D Position".

For details, refer to Categories .

Arbitrary Bus name for the first Send Destination of the Bus Map

Originally, the first Send Destination of the Bus Map was set to MasterOut, but now you can specify an arbitrary Bus name.
By setting the MasterOut to 0 in the bus send settings of the Cue, the MasterOut can be turned off without needing to set the volume to 0.

Improved local file synchronization

Improved the processing speed when performing local file synchronization for a large number of audio files.

CRI Atom Craft Ver.3.43.00 New features

Change online license authentication for Tools

Switched to online license authentication when launching ADX2 tools (CRI Atom Craft, CRI Atom Encoder).

Differences from previous license authentication systems

  • the license is permanent, no need to re-acquire the license files due to an expired license.
  • Before using the tool, you need to apply for the Tool License . (This is a one-time process, right after installing the tool)

Tool License application
Use the "CRIWARE Authorization Tool(CriAuthorizationTool)" included in the SDK to apply for the Tool License.
For details about the Tool License application, refer to License Authentication System Guide .

Online license authentication is for Ver.3.43.00 or above.
The license system remains the same for ADX2 tools prior to Ver.3.43.00.
Use license files for authentication.

Added project-based license authentication "Project Key authentication"

  • a license key is required for commercial use of the data built by ADX2 tools. (No need to apply for evaluation purposes.)
  • To activate additional features.
  • You must obtain and set the Project Key for every single commercial project.

Applying for a Project Key
Project Key Application Form to apply for Project Key. After obtaining the Project Key, register the Project Key online from Project Key Management in CRI Atom Craft and apply the requested permissions.
For details about the Project Key application, refer to About the project key .

We recommend that the IP owner of the project applies for the Project Key.
It is possible for developers and outsourcing companies to apply. However, to avoid duplicate registration, please confirm with the IP owner of the project beforehand.

ACF and ACB information output in JSON format

Supports the export of the data in ACF and ACB files in .JSON format.

For details, refer to JSON output Build (Export data) .

Added waveform file browsing tool "CRI Solv"

"CRI Solv", a tool for browsing waveform files in list format, has been added to the ADX2 tool package.
This tool allows the simultaneous browsing and previewing of a large number of waveform files on the PC and offers a search function.

For details, refer to the "CRI Solv User Manual".


CRI Solv

  • Mac
    +-- CRIWARE
    +-- AudioUtility
    +-- CRI Solv
  • Win
    +-- tools
    +-- AudioUtility
    +-- CriSolv
    +-- CriSolv.exe

Updated CRI Atom Encoder to Ver.3

The following updates and changes have been made due to the update of CRI Atom Encoder Version 3.

  • The interface of the CRI Atom Encoder for Windows is now similar to the Mac version.
  • "CRI Atom Encoder for Mac" now supports operation from the command line.

For details, refer to Changes from V2 version of CRI Atom Encoder , CRI Atom Encoder for console .

CRI Atom Tools Ver.2 is packaged separately

CRI Atom Tools Ver.2 was removed from various SDK packages and ADX2 tool single package.
In the future, "CRI Atom Tools Ver.2 single package" will be released individually on the technical support site.

When using CRI Atom Tools Ver.2, please download the individual "CRI Atom Tools Ver.2 single package".

The license authentication system of CRI Atom Tools Ver.2 has not been changed.
It still uses authentication via license file.

CRI Atom Craft Ver.3.41.00 New features

Edit Waveform Region

Added support for splitting, trimming and fading of Waveform Regions.
This is very useful for processing dialog and adding slight variations to sound effects.

For details, refer to Waveform region editing in the timeline .


List Editor display improvement

  • Column display switching has been iconified, and the display categorization has been reviewed.
  • Objects simultaneously selected in the tree are now included in the list editor display.
  • It is also possible to select different hierarchies of objects of the same type in the tree.
  • The background of editable cells is darkened to distinguish visually from non-editable items.
  • The display state and column width of list's columns are now maintained.

For details, refer to List Edit .


CRI Atom Craft Ver.3.34.00 New features

VST plugin support

Added support for VST2.4 plugins.
You can use your own effect plugins.
In addition, you can easily use high quality sound processing in the game by using plugins available from third-party developers.

For details, refer to Custom Effect Plugin .

The image is the McDSP plugin of McDSP's AE600 Active EQ.

CRI Atom Craft Ver.2.30.02 for Mac - New Features

Layout Customization

You can customize the layout based on your preference.
You can also switch to another layout by using the preset layout function.

For details, refer to Layout menu .


CRI Atom Craft Ver.2.27.02 for Mac

macOS support

Version 2 supported only Windows, but Version 3 can now also be used on macOS.
For prerequisites, refer to Operating environment for CRI ADX tools .
