CRIWARE Unity Plugin Manual  Last Updated: 2024-07-12
Manual revision histories



  1. Added a note regarding the "Check Pos Within Clip" setting to the following Timeline extension page.
    1. " \ref cri4u_samples_criatom_advanced_scene06_howtouse "
    2. " \ref sfd2u_extension_timeline_edit_parameter "
  2. Added explanation page for Sound xR extension plug-in.
    1. " \ref exp4u_atom_soundxr "
    2. " \ref cri4u_samples_criatom_expansion_soundxr_scene01 "
  3. Added " \ref cri4u_headlessmode " page.
  4. Added " \ref mana4u_manaplayer " page.
  5. The following pages have been added.
    1. " \ref usr_android_specified_tips_h264_050 "
    2. " \ref usr_android_specified_tips_h264_060 "
  6. Added the contents of " \ref plugin_organization_removeobsoletepackage ".


  1. Added content regarding Edit mode preview playback to " \ref atom4u_extension_timeline ".
  2. Updated the contents of " \ref mana4u_extension_timeline ".
  3. Added " \ref cri4u_logconsole " page.
  4. Updated the contents of " \ref cri4u_component_errorhandler ".
  5. Updated the contents of " \ref addon4u_assetsupport_addressables_intro ".
  6. Added " \ref addon4u_assetsupport_addressables_usage_usecribuildscript " page.


  1. The following pages have been added.
    1. Revision History of Each Plugin
    2. CRI Addressables: Target Group
    3. Expansion package for McDSP Release Note
    4. Expansion package for LipSync Release Note
    5. Expansion package for VP9 Release Note
    6. Expansion package for WebInstaller Release Note
  2. The content of the following pages has been updated.
    1. About the Number of Initialization Parameters Necessary for FileSystem
    2. When a DllNotFoundException occurs on Linux
    3. How to use Timeline Expansion
    4. Speeding up the playback without changing the pitch
    5. Acquisition of subtitle data
    6. Details about each initialization parameter
    7. CRI Mana component
    8. Playback of movies with Ambisonic Audio
    9. Importing the assets
    10. Specifying "DeployType" from the script
    11. Differences in the results due to the SDK version
    12. Unable to access the data files of CRIWARE with Play Asset Delivery


  1. Added CriWare.CriLipsMouth.OpenInfo to Mouth pattern information that can be acquired with ADX LipSync .
  2. Added descriptions for the following sample scenes:


  1. Added Revision History of Each Plugin .
  2. Added Detecting a Bluetooth device to Android-specific information.


  1. Removed the previous description of FAQ .
  2. Added Features and Restrictions to LipSync.


  1. Updated the content of " \ref cri4u_component_initializer ".


  1. Updated the content of " \ref addon4u_assetsupport_addressables_usage ".


  1. Added search function to the html manual. You can search for contents from the search field on the upper right of the page.
  2. Updated the content of "(2) Checking the plug-in package file" in " \ref cri4u_usage " to match the change in the location of the unitypackage files.
  3. " \ref addon4u_assetsupport_about " has been updated.
  4. Added a description page to " \ref cri4u_samples_addon_asset ".


  1. Added " \ref addon4u_userman " page.
  2. The content of the following sections has been updated.
  3. Removed description of deprecated features.


  1. Added " \ref criatom_wave_bounce " page.
  2. The description of the way the "CRIWARE" object works in " CRI Atom Server " has been updated to reflect specifications changes.
  3. The " \ref atom4u_practice_0004_x2speed_playback " page has been added to "Practical use of ADX2".
  4. Fixed the sample code that determines if a specific Unity version is supported on the " H.264 playback (Android) " page. Removed the description for older, unsupported Unity versions.
  5. Added " \ref exp4u_adxlipsync_plugin_function " page.
  6. Added the following pages describing the ADX LipSync samples:
  7. Added the description of new setting options to the " CRI Atom Unity Timeline Extension " page.
  8. Added the description of new UI elements to the " Atom Browser window " page.


  1. Added page for SonicSYNC .
  2. Updated information about Atom configuration on the " About how to set each initialization parameter " page.
  3. Simplfied the contents on the " CRI Atom Craft Ver.3 New Feature Topics " page.


  1. The layout of this manual has been updated.
  2. Added content about position randomization of 3D sound sources.
  3. Updated Atom Browser window page's content.
  4. Added description about configuration of the InGamePreview initialization to the " Details about each initialization parameter " page.
  5. Added description about "error list length" to the " CRIWARE Error Handler " page.
  6. Added description about fading in / out of CriManaClip to the " To edit the Timeline Extension Parameters " page.
  7. Added the following page to "ADX LipSync Tips".


  1. Recent Topics in the Main page are updated.
  2. The following items have been added to Sofdec Tips .
  3. The following content in CRIWARE Error Handler has been updated.
  4. Added the content about checking the version of the plug-in.
  5. The following page has been added to PC (Windows) specific information.
  6. Added iOS-specific troubleshooting items.
  7. Added descriptions of sample scenes:
  8. The content of the sample scene explanation has been updated.
  9. Added a detailed description of Cri Atom Source.
  10. Removed the description of the old plugin configuration.
  11. Added followed component on CRIWARE Library Initializer page.
  12. Updated Use with Unity Timeline page's content.
  13. Added About Assembly Definition-enabled version and conventional version of plugin packages page.


  1. The following items have been added to CRI Atom components .
  2. The following items have been added to CRIWARE components .
  3. Added and amended the current references. The following classes are added.
  4. Updated the contents of Using game recording middleware .
  5. Updated the contents of Low-latency sound playback on Android .
  6. Added descriptions of subtitled movies.
  7. Added detailed descriptions of Cri Atom Listener.


  1. Recent Topics in the Main page are updated.
  2. Updated the description of the CRIWARE Library Initializer .
  3. Updated the description of the Editor Profiler.
  4. Added description of 3D transceiver.
  5. Added descriptions of sample scenes:
  6. Updated the description of ADX LipSync.
  7. Updated the H.264 playback (Android) .


  1. Added Migrating to SDK Ver.3.00.01 .


  1. Recent Topics in the Main page are updated.
  2. Added the ADX LipSync Library
  3. Updated the CRI Atom Craft Ver.3 New Feature Topics
  4. Updated the Creating data
  5. Added the ADX LipSync References
  6. Added the samples to:
  7. Added the [CriAtom] Using the LipSync plugin


  1. Updated the content of " \ref cri4u_component_initializer ".
  2. Precautions when building for iOS


  1. Updated the About Android 64bit .
  2. Recent Topics in the Main page are updated.
  3. Updated the CRI Atom Craft Ver.3 New Feature Topics
  4. Added and amended the current references. The following classes are added.
  5. Descriptions of the samples have been partially revised.


  1. Added the About Android 64bit .
  2. Added the About H.264 Playback (Windows) .
  3. Updated the Low-latency sound playback on Android .


  1. Updated the Troubleshooting to the latest plug-in base.
  2. Removed the page of "Unity 5 Attention"


  1. Updated the Script Execution Order .
  2. Updated the Disabling Unity's standard audio ,
    and added the Enable Unity standard audio .
  3. Added a method of recording using the Unity standard Microphone component in iOS.
  4. Updated the Support of H.264 movie playback .


  1. Added description of Editor Profiler .
  2. Fixed the description of H.264 profile in " \ref cri4u_tgtspc_h264_encode ".
  3. Added and corrected descriptions in the manual due to sample updates.
  4. Added and modified reference items.
    • " \link CriWare.CriAtomExOutputAnalyzer \endlink "
    • " \link CriWare.CriAtomExPlayerOutputAnalyzer \endlink "


  1. Added recent topics to the main page.
    • " \ref main_page_recently_topics "


  1. The following page has been updated with official support for H.264 playback function.
    • " \ref cri4u_sdk_h264_support "
    • " \ref cri4u_tgtspc_android_h264 "
  2. Updated the method to suppress the audio output of other music player apps on Android.
    • " \ref cri4u_teqinfo_faq_adx_0010 "
  3. Added and modified reference items.
    • " \link CriWare.CriAtomEx::CueInfo CriAtomEx::CueInfo \endlink "
    • " \link CriWare.CriAtomExPlayback::TrackInfo CriAtomExPlayback::TrackInfo \endlink "
    • " \link CriWare.CriAtomExPlayback::GetTrackInfo CriAtomExPlayback::GetTrackInfo \endlink "
    • " \link CriWare.CriFsBinder::ContentsFileInfo CriFsBinder::ContentsFileInfo \endlink "
    • " \link CriWare.CriFsBinder::GetContentsFileInfo CriFsBinder::GetContentsFileInfo \endlink "
    • " \link CriWare.CriFsBinder::GetContentsFileInfoByIndex CriFsBinder::GetContentsFileInfoByIndex \endlink "
    • " \link CriWare.CriFsBinder::GetNumContentsFiles CriFsBinder::GetNumContentsFiles \endlink "


  1. Added CRI Atom Craft Ver.3 New Feature Topics description.
  2. Added Migrating to SDK Ver.2.94 page.
  3. Added explanation of If a link error occurs when building an Xcode project to "Notes when building iOS".
  4. Added item to reference.
    • " \link CriWare.CriAtomExStandardVoicePool CriAtomExStandardVoicePool \endlink "
    • " \link CriWare.CriAtomExWaveVoicePool CriAtomExWaveVoicePool \endlink "
    • " \link CriWare.CriAtomExVoicePool::AttachDspTimeStretch CriAtomExVoicePool::AttachDspTimeStretch \endlink "
    • " \link CriWare.CriAtomExVoicePool::AttachDspPitchShifter CriAtomExVoicePool::AttachDspPitchShifter \endlink "
    • " \link CriWare.CriAtomExVoicePool::DetachDsp CriAtomExVoicePool::DetachDsp \endlink "
    • " \link CriWare.CriAtomExPlayer::SetVoicePoolIdentifier CriAtomExPlayer::SetVoicePoolIdentifier \endlink "
    • " \link CriWare.CriAtomExPlayer::SetDspTimeStretchRatio CriAtomExPlayer::SetDspTimeStretchRatio \endlink "
    • " \link CriWare.CriAtomExPlayer::SetDspPitchShifterPitch CriAtomExPlayer::SetDspPitchShifterPitch \endlink "
    • " \link CriWare.CriAtomExPlayer::SetDspParameter CriAtomExPlayer::SetDspParameter \endlink "
    • " \link CriWare.CriWareInitializer::AddAudioEffectInterface CriWareInitializer::AddAudioEffectInterface \endlink "
    • " \link CriWare.CriAtomExAsr::RegisterEffectInterface CriAtomExAsr::RegisterEffectInterface \endlink "
    • " \link CriWare.CriAtomExAsr::UnregisterEffectInterface CriAtomExAsr::UnregisterEffectInterface \endlink "


  1. Removed the "CRI" menu on Unity Editor that was added by editor extension.
    The items that existed under the "CRI" menu have been moved to the locations below. Accordingly, we have revised the description of the quick start etc.
    • "GameObject" –> "CRIWARE" –> "Create CRIWARE Library Initializer"
    • "GameObject" –> "CRIWARE" –> "Create CRIWARE Error Handler"
    • "GameObject" –> "CRIWARE" –> "CriWareBuildPostprocessorPrefs.asset"
    • "Window" –> "CRIWARE" –> "Open CRI Atom Window"
    • "Window" –> "CRIWARE" –> "Version Infomation"
  2. Added item to reference.
    • " \link CriWare.CriAtom::AddCueSheetAsync CriAtom::AddCueSheetAsync \endlink "
    • " \link CriWare.CriAtomConfig::maxBeatSyncCallbacksPerFrame CriAtomConfig::maxBeatSyncCallbacksPerFrame \endlink "
    • " \link CriWare.CriAtomConfig::maxSequenceEventsPerFrame CriAtomConfig::maxSequenceEventsPerFrame \endlink "
    • " \link CriWare.CriAtomExAcbLoader CriAtomExAcbLoader \endlink "
    • " \link CriWare.CriAtomExAsr::GetEffectParameter CriAtomExAsr::GetEffectParameter \endlink "
    • " \link CriWare.CriAtomExAsr::SetEffectParameter CriAtomExAsr::SetEffectParameter \endlink "
    • " \link CriWare.CriAtomExBeatSync CriAtomExBeatSync \endlink "


  1. Added Cause of delay estimation failure section.
  2. Fixed the settings shown in the Low-latency sound playback on Android page.
  3. Added explanation to H.264 playback (Android) page.
  4. Fixed the description of " \link CriWare.CriAtomExAcb::LoadAcbData CriAtomExAcb::LoadAcbData \endlink ".
  5. Added Converting the spectrum analysis results to log frequency scale page.
  6. Added Controlling the number of Voices for each object in the game page.
  7. Fixed the description of " \link CriWare.CriAtomExPlayerOutputAnalyzer::GetSpectrumLevels CriAtomExPlayerOutputAnalyzer::GetSpectrumLevels \endlink ".
  8. Added VR features page.


  1. Added Migrating to SDK Ver.2.90 page.
  2. Added CriWare.CriAtomConfig::androidUsesAndroidFastMixer description.


  1. Updated description of selector
  2. Added description regarding [Specification change] CriManaPlayer component discontinued .
  3. Updated the description regarding Obtaining the playback time synchronized with audio
  4. Updated the description regarding Using the HTTPS compatible version installation function
  5. Updated the description regarding HTTPS compatible version installation function
  6. Updated the description regarding H.264 playback (iOS) .
  7. Updated the description regarding [Beta] H.264 video playback support (iOS/Android only)
  8. Updated Notes on .OBB .


  1. Added a description about using the CriWare.CriAtomSource class to Explanation on obtaining the playback time synchronized with audio .


  1. Added item to reference.
    • " \link CriWare.CriAtomExAsrRack \endlink "
  2. Added supplementary explanation of HTTPS compatible version installation function.
    • " \ref fs4u_https_install "
    • " \ref cri4u_tgtspc_ios_https_access "


  1. ADX practical utilization page has been added.
  2. Added Explanation on obtaining playback time synchronized with audio .


  1. The following pages have been modified due to the modification of the HTTPS compatible version installation function.
    • " \ref fs4u_https_install "


  1. Added Installation function with HTTPS page.
  2. The following items have been added to Samples > File Magik PRO Samples > Basic Samples.
    • " \ref cri4u_samples_crifs_basic_scene07 "
  3. The following items have been added to Samples > File Magik PRO Samples > Advanced Samples.
    • " \ref cri4u_samples_crifs_advanced_scene01 "


  1. Added the Migration from CriManaPlayer to CriManaMovieController page.


  1. Deleted the description related to CriManaPlayer and rewritten it as related to CriManaMovieController


  1. Added an item to the description of CRIWARE Library Initializer.
    • " \ref cri4u_component_initializer "
  2. Added a note to the ADX and Sofdec quickstart that CRIWARE Linbrary Initializer is required.
    • " \ref atom4u_qstart_game_initializer "ADX Quick Start" "
    • " \ref mana4u_qstart_game_initializer "Sofdec quickstart" "
  3. Added Migration from ADX LE to paid version (this package) .
  4. Added an addition to the description of " \link CriWare.CriAtomExPlayback::GetTimeSyncedWithAudio CriAtomExPlayback::GetTimeSyncedWithAudio \endlink ".


  1. Added an item to the description of CRIWARE Library Initializer.
    • " \ref cri4u_component_initializer "
  2. Added notes regarding CriAtomEx.CueInfo.length in HOW TO.
    • " \ref cri4u_teqinfo_howto_0101 "
  3. Added explanation to reference.
    • " \link CriWare.CriAtomExPlayer CriWare.CriAtomExPlayer(bool) CriAtomExPlayerCriWare.CriAtomExPlayer(bool) \endlink "
    • " \link CriWare.CriAtomExPlayer CriWare.CriAtomExPlayer(int, int, bool) CriAtomExPlayerCriWare.CriAtomExPlayer(int, int, bool) \endlink "
    • " \link CriWare.CriAtomExPlayback::GetTimeSyncedWithAudio CriAtomExPlayback::GetTimeSyncedWithAudio \endlink "
    • " \link CriWare.CriMana::Player::SetBusSendLevel CriMana::Player::SetBusSendLevel \endlink "
    • " \link CriWare.CriMana::Player::SetSubAudioBusSendLevel CriMana::Player::SetSubAudioBusSendLevel \endlink "
